Neolithic Cultural and Chronological Complexes of the Bolshaya Umytia 109 Settlement


  • T. Yu Klement'eva Research and Analytical Center of Problems of Preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage «AV KOM – Nasledie»; Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • A. Ya. Trufanov Research and Analytical Center of Problems of Preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage «AV KOM – Nasledie»


the North of Western Siberia, Konda river basin, Neolithic Age, pottery, radiocarbon


The article deals with ceramic complexes of the Bolshaya Umytia 109 archaeological site, which is located in Sovetsky district of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region – Ugra. Inside the site territory, two Neolithic settle-ments marked as BUm-109.1 and BUm-109.2 were excavated. The dwellings of those settlements were located at least 110 m apart; their material complexes were considered within one cultural tradition. But the results of C14 analyses provide data on possible two hundred severance between studied settlements. The earliest complex BUm-109.1 could exist from the end of the second quarter until the beginning of the fourth quarter of the 5th millennium BC, while structures of the BUm-109.2 could be erected and used form the end of the third quarter of the 4th millen-nium BC. The comparative study of the two monocultural complexes demonstrates the dynamics of the pottery tradi-tion. Whereas shapes and form-making patterns for analyzed vessels were constant, the decorative techniques were not. In BUm-109.1, the majority of pots were decorated with incised technique (77%) and combined swaying, pricked, smooth-stamped and comb-stamped ornaments. In BUm-109.2, incised decoration is observed on 57% ves-sels and regarded as a distinctive feature. Next, vessels with pricked and swaying ornaments are also dominant and their proportions changed. The ware from BUm-109.2 is varying in decorative patterns and correlation of various ornamental techniques. The analyzed settlements are included in one Umytia site group mapped for the Konda river basin; all reference complexes are well-stratified. The basic features of Umytia group ceramics were observed on pottery found at other sites of the Konda river basin, such as Sumpania II, IV, VI; Leushi VII; Chilimka V, as well as Ches-Tyj-Yag of the Northern Sosva river basin. It can be assumed that a well-stratified complex with monocultural features is crucial for the further systematization of Neolithic artifacts.doi 10.17072/2219-3111-2019-1-20-33

Author Biographies

T. Yu Klement'eva, Research and Analytical Center of Problems of Preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage «AV KOM – Nasledie»; Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Specialist; Junior Research Fellow

A. Ya. Trufanov, Research and Analytical Center of Problems of Preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage «AV KOM – Nasledie»



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How to Cite

Klement’eva, T. Y., & Trufanov, A. Y. (2019). Neolithic Cultural and Chronological Complexes of the Bolshaya Umytia 109 Settlement. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 44(1), 20–33. Retrieved from