



regional environmental legislation, symbolic environmental legislation, subjects with the right of legislative initiative, State Duma, symbolic politics, issue-related approach, political-strategic effectiveness, Russian regions


Regional legislatures are one of the subjects with the right of legislative initiative in the Russian Federation, which gives them the right to submit bills to the State Duma. Regions can use such a mechanism of multi-level interaction for different purposes. Faced with difficulties in solving their own specific environmental problems, they can use it to symbolically draw attention to themselves, fulfil personal ambitions, demonstrate competence, etc., without having the goal of adopting the submitted bill. Thus, regions can use two main strategies, focusing on political-strategic effectiveness or the issue-based approach. This study aims to identify the factors that allow us to distinguish these strategic variations. For the empirical analysis, we use data on federal legislative initiatives from 2004 to 2022. We have operationalised three key factors that possibly can influence the differentiation of regional strategies: ecological, administrative/managerial, and political. Through correlation analysis, we have shown that the combination of strategies can be different in each specific region. It largely depends on the calculation of the benefits and costs of using this tool, and that the symbolic strategy plays a rather auxiliary role in achieving goals. We construct matrices of regions that are more likely to use one or another strategy as a result of combining the above factors.

Author Biographies

Konstantin Sulimov, Perm State University

Candidate of Sc. (Polit. Sc.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science,

Christina Turtseva, Perm State University

assistant of the Department of Political Science, junior research fellow of the Department of Political Science


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How to Cite

Sulimov К. А., & Turtseva К. П. (2025). LEGISLATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES OF RUSSIAN REGIONS IN THE FEDERAL PARLIAMENT: POLITICAL-STRATEGIC EFFECTIVENESS OR ISSUE-RELATED APPROACH?. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 18(4), 111–127. https://doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2024-4-111-127



Political institutions, processes, technologies