language maintenance, linguistic diversity, language revitalization, language activism, language policy, applied science, scientific research, practical activityAbstract
The problems of language preservation in Russia are studied within the framework of scientific research. Practical solutions are sought in socio-political activity, however, no significant progress has been achieved. In this article I analyze the attempts to apply the developments of applied science in practice, in particular, in the development of the draft Program for the Preservation and Revitalization of the Languages of Russia, in order to understand the problems that arise and their causes. Due to the poorly developed program of language policy research in Russia, current applied scientific work is mainly carried out by linguists within the framework of language revitalization, which proves to be unable to offer adequate solutions in a country with a state-centered political culture. In practice, revitalization and documentation efforts replace language maintenance efforts. Thus, not only applied science has not yet developed high-quality expertise in the socio-political sphere of language use, but language policy and language revitalization as a practical activity remain ineffective too. The results and conclusions of this study raise problems in the sociology of science and may be of interest to the scientific expert community.References
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