
  • Bulletin of Perm University. Biology

    "Bulletin of Perm University. Biology" accepts for publication theoretical articles and articles containing results of research inthe field of botany, microbiology, zoology, genetics, ecology, soil science, immunology, clinical immunology, allergology, clinical laboratory diagnostics, as well as reviews of publications and personalities.

    The only criterion for publication in the journal is the scientific level of the submitted work, which is revealed during its peer review.

    You are welcome to submit your article year-round, in Russian or English. The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). Mass media registration certificate: Periodical No. FS 77-66484 dated 07/14/2016

    For subscription, visit the United catalog of Press of Russia: Subscription index 41000

    The journal is indexed by the special information system "Russian Science Citation Index" (RSCI) and is available in

    The Journal is indexed by the VAK List, which includes peer-reviewed publications of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Russian Federation, where the main scientific results of dissertations for academic degrees are presented for the following specialties: 1.5. Biological Sciences (specialties 1.5.7. Genetics, 1.5.9. Botany, 1.5.11. Microbiology, 1.5.12. Zoology), 03.03.00 Physiology (specialty 03.03.03 Immunology) and 3.3. Medical and biological sciences (specialty 3.3.8. Clinical laboratory diagnostics).

    Chief Editor

    Kuyukina Maria Stanislavovna, Dr. Biol. Sc, Professor. Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms, Ural Branch of RAS, Leading Researcher, Perm, Russia.

    Engaged in the study of polyfunctionalbiosurfactants synthesized by non-pathogenic Rhodococcusactinobacteria, their potential for ecobiotechnology and medicine.

    Prof. Kuyukina has 200 scientific papers published, including 46 articles indexed by Web of Science, 6 chapters in collective monographs and 6 patents for inventions in the Russian Federation. Laureate of the Demidov Prize for young scientists, Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, 1st degree Prize of Perm Krai in the field of science. Member of the editorial board of "Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology", an international peer reviewed journal.


    "Perm University Herald. History" is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes the results of original fundamental and applied studies within the field of Historical Sciences and Archaeology (Russian history; General history (the corresponding period); Historiography, source study and methods of historical research) in the form of academic articles, reports, newsletters, bibliographic surveys, book reviews, historical references, and commented sources. The publication of manuscripts is free of charge for all contributors including graduate students and applicants. The articles must not be published elsewhere previously or submitted to other journals. The articles received by the Editorial Board are peer-reviewed.               

    The Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry for Education and Science included the Perm University Herald. History in the list of the leading peer-reviewed journals, which can publish articles, required for obtaining the degree of Doctor and Candidate of sciences.           

    Included in Web of Science Core Collection, database Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
    Included in the Russian Science Citation Index database (RSCI)
    Included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences database (ERIH PLUS)

    Issues of "Perm University Herald. History" since 1998 are available on the previous website of the journal, page –  Archive of Issues . Issues of the journal since 2009 are also available in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC) which is located in Scientific Electronic Library of Russian Fund for Basic Research: 5 and in CYBERLENINKA.     

    In 2018, "Perm University Herald. History" got the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Perm region for implementing a research and publishing project (grant agreement No. D-26/002).       

    Perm State University is the founder of the journal.     

    Certificate of registration of mass media PI № FS77– 66789 is issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media on August 8, 2016.              

    ISSN 2219-3111               

    DOI 10.17072/2219-3111             

    The journal is published 4 times per year:

    № 1 - March, № 2  - June, № 3  - September, № 4  - December.


    Index listing in the catalogue "Ural Press" 41004. URL:           

    The journal is published by the Publishing center "Perm University Press" (15 Bukirev st., Perm, Russia, 614068)


    Dear colleagues, authors and readers, welcome to the scientific journal "Bulletin of Perm University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Computer Science" website!

    The journal was founded in 1994 at Perm State University (PSU) and was called "The Bulletin of Perm University". The journal was used by Perm State University researchers from various science fields to publish their works. "The Bulletin of Perm University" publication began on the PSU vice-rector for scientific work Boris Mikhailovich Osovetsky initiative.

    Since 2003, the scientific journal "Bulletin of Perm University" has ceased to be common, and each PSU faculty began to publish its own profile journal. Thus, the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty transformed the journal into an edition called "Bulletin of the Perm University. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Computer Science", and later – "Bulletin of the Perm University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Computer Science".

    Currently, the journal work has gone beyond Perm University and is devoted to the dissemination of new original scientific results of Russian and foreign researchers in the field of mathematics, mechanics and computer science!

    We invite you to cooperate and hope that you will become our regular author and reader!

    Sincerely, the editorial board.

  • Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science

    Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science” is a scientific journal that publishes reviews of the research literature and articles with the results of research and practice in the field of politics. The journal sees its mission in sustaining a high level of academic discussion, which corresponds with the international political sciences standards. 

    The journal publishes research articles, reviews of current issues in both English and Russian languages, which have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

    Since 2010 the Bulletin is on The list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the academic degrees of a doctor and candidate of sciences should be published (list of Higher Attestation Commission).

    The Bulletin is included in the national information and analytical system "Russian Science Citation Index" (RSCI) and is available in the E-library.

    The mass media registration certificate ПИ № ФС77-68264 as of 2016-12-27.

    ISSN (Print): 2218-1067

    Five-year impact factor RSCI 2017: 0.243

    Materials that are submitted to the editorial office are independently reviewed. The publication fee is not collected and fees are not paid.

  • Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology

    "Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology" is a periodical scientific peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original articles on various aspects of linguistics and philology.

    The journal represents the results of scientific activity of Russian and foreign philologists, including those from Perm University. Besides scientific papers, proceedings of conferences, symposia, seminars, the journal publishes reviews on monographs, articles, etc. published in Russia and abroad, subject surveys and detailed information on scientific events relevant to the field of the journal.

    The publication in this journal operates under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. 

    ISSN online – 2658-6711.

    ISSN 2073-6681.

    The journal is listed in a special information-analytical system “Russian Science Citation Index” (RSCI).

    Full texts of articles are available open access at the journal web site ( and at the web site of Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU (

    This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in:

    • Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO,

    • Russian Science Citation Index” (RSCI).

    • eLIBRARY.RU (

    • IPRbooks, Ltd. “IPR Media” (Saratov),,,;

    • “University Library On-line” – Ltd. “NexMedia” (Moscow),;

    • “Library of the National Electronic Informational Consortium”, organization – Noncommercial Partnership “National Electronic Informational Consortium” (NP “NEICON”) (Moscow),;

    Decree of Publication Ethis

    Decree of Editorial Board

    Decree of Perm Editorial Board

  • Bulletin of Perm University. Physics

    The journal "Bulletin of Perm University. Physics" is an open access journal publishes new experimental and theoretical results of recent researches in condensed matter physics, fluid dynamics, EPR, NMR and NQR spectroscopy, and experiment automation. It reflects the main research fields of the Physical faculty ofPermStateUniversity(Perm,Russia). The journal publishes original articles, reviews and brief communications that have not been previously published. The journal accepts papers have been written in Russian and English. All manuscripts are subject to single blind peer-review procedure by independent expert referees.

    The journal is indexed by Russian Science Citation Index.

    Лицензия Creative Commons The journal is licensed under a Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

  • Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology

    This version of the journal is the main one (the old page of the journal).
    Scientific journal "Vestnik of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology" publishes articles in Russian and English, containing original ideas and research results, as well as translations and literary reviews.
    The journal is included in the electronic system Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and in the VAK list of refereed scientific publications in three groups of specializations: 09.00.00 Philosophical sciences, 19.00.00 Psychological sciences, 22.00.00 Sociological sciences. In addition, the journal is included in the international databases Ulrich's Periodicals Directory and EBSCO Discovery Service, in electronic libraries "IPRbooks", "University Library Online", "CyberLeninka", "Rukont".
    The journal publishes articles, translations and reviews, the content of which corresponds to the following groups of specialties / scientific specialties:

    5.7.1. Ontology and theory of knowledge (philosophical sciences),

    5.7.2. History of philosophy (philosophical sciences),

    5.7.7. Social and political philosophy (philosophical sciences),

    5.7.8. Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture (philosophical sciences),

    5.3.1. General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology (psychological sciences),

    5.4.1. Theory, methodology and history of sociology (sociological sciences),

    5.4.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes (sociological sciences),

    5.4.7. Sociology of management (sociological sciences)

    Certificate of registration of mass media PI No. FS77-66481 from June 14, 2016.
    ISSN (Print): 2078-7898
    ISSN (Online) 2686-7532
    Five-year impact factor RSCI 2020: 0,487
    Materials of the journal are published under the Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.

    Лицензия Creative Commons

  • Bulletin of Perm University. CHEMISTRY

    Bulletin of Perm University. CHEMISTRY is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes results of original research and  reviews on the main directions  of chemistry, including:
    - physicochemical analysis of water-organic and water-salt systems;
    - physicochemical foundations for obtaining new materials;
    - streamlined synthesis of organic compounds with different properties;
    - processes of complexation of metal ions with organic ligands and use of complex compounds in the separation and concentration processes;
    - electrochemical and corrosion protection processes.

    The journal is included in the specialized information system "Russian Science Citation Index" (RSCI), CYBERLENINKA electronic library and other databases.

    The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). Certificate of mass media registration: PI No. FS 77-66772, 08.08.2016.

  • Geographical Bulletin

    The journal "Geographical Bulletin" is a peer-reviewed journal owned in 2005 by Perm State University with the Faculty of Geography. The journal represents theoretical, methodological and practical results of scientific activity of Russian and foreign representatives of geographical sciences. The articles contain original author's ideas and results of the research on geographical theme.

     Name in Latin: Geographical Bulletin

     ISSN: 2079-7877

    DOI 10.17072/2079-7877

     The Editor-in-Chief, Professor, Head of the Department of Tourism, is Alexander Ivanovich Ziryanov.

  • Anthropogenic Transformation of Nature

    The journal «Anthropogenic Transformation of Nature» presents original papers, review papers and short communications articles addressed to geoecological problems, scientific questions of interaction of Man and Nature. All material in the Journal should correspond to three thematic sections:

    • Nature and Landscape Conservation (Scopus classification);
    • Pollution (Scopus classification);
    • Earth-Surface Processes (Scopus classification).

    Articles on a geoecological, geographical, ecosystem, biogeochemical, biological and palaeoecological basis are preferred.

    The journal is of interest to research institutes; educational institutions providing higher professional education and carrying out scientific activities; scientific libraries and scientists working in the field of geoecology, ecology, conservation and restoration of nature.

    Since 2021, the frequency of a publications is 2 times a year. Until 2021, the Journal was published once a year.


    Russian Science Citation Index




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    Founder: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Perm State University»

    Founder address: 15, Bukireva st., Perm, 614990, Russia

    Editorial office address: 15, Bukireva st., Perm, 614990, Russia, Faculty of Geography, Department of Biogeocenology and Nature Protection

  • Geography and Tourism

    The journal "Geography and Tourism" presents scientific articles on tourism and recreational topics, research in the field of service and marketing of tourism products, works on local history and excursion studies. The journal includes materials from representatives of academic sciences, teachers, undergraduates, as well as business environment specialists from Russian cities. The article deals with the issues of science and tourism, the development of special types of tourism abroad, in the regions and municipalities of the Russian Federation. A number of articles are devoted to the analysis of the hospitality industry, marketing, route design in the natural environment, design of museum space and excursion product. The journal is a periodical scientific and practical publication, reviewed by the RSCI, twice a year (in August and December). The language of publications is Russian and English.

  • Eurasian Humanitarian Journal

    The journal contains materials covering current issues of general linguistics, translation studies, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, functional
    grammar, cognitive linguistics, discourse, Russian literature, the literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation, foreign literature,
    linguodidactics, and pedagogics. The materials are intended for a wide range of specialists in the field of philology and pedagogics. Articles are
    reviewed. Reprinting without permission of the editorial board is prohibited, links to the journal are mandatory when quoting.

  • Migration linguistic

    The journal contains materials covering the pressing issues of current time − migration and its reflection in linguistic research: migration linguistics, migration media linguistics, migration discourse, advertising migrant/antimigrant discourse, migrant educational discourse, the discourses of migration.
    The materials are intended for a wide range of specialists in the field of philology. The articles are reviewed. Reprinting without permission of the editorial board is prohibited, links to the journal are mandatory when quoting.


    The journal "New Ideas in Philosophy" has been published since 2014 and is the ideological successor of three series of interuniversity thematic collections of scientific articles, published by the Philosophy Department of Perm State Research University (PSNRU) since 1967.

    The first series of collections was "Philosophy of Boundary Problems of Science" (1967-1975).

    The second series of collections - "Fundamental Problems of Philosophy" (1977 - 1991). 

    The third series of collections under the conventional title "New Ideas in Philosophy" (1992 - 2013).

    A huge contribution to the development was made by Ph. Orlov and his students, forming the ideological originality of interpretations of modern philosophical materialism, reflected on the pages of thematic collections and our journal.

    Inheriting the ideological potential of PSNIU Philosophy Department and being guided by the formula that modern materialism should be open to all the most important achievements of world philosophical thought, the editors of "New Ideas in Philosophy" invite for cooperation (including as members of editorial board and editorial council) and publication authors, interested and dealing with various problems in scientific specialties: 

    5.7.1. Ontology and theory of knowledge

    5.7.2. history of philosophy

    5.7.7. social and political philosophy 

    The editorial board of the journal gives priority to the articles dealing with the modern versions of materialism and ideologically close to it currents, the substantial synthesis of the modern materialism and alternative forms of philosophical thought, constructive criticism of dialectical and historical materialism, both classical and modern.

    К публикации приглашаются ученые, вузовские преподаватели, студенты, магистранты и аспиранты.

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Theory and Practice

       В научном рецензируемом журнале «Социальные и гуманитарные науки: теория и практика» в соответствующих рубриках публикуются статьи ученых – специалистов в области Философии, Психологии, Социологии, Организации работы с молодежью, Искусствоведения и культурологии на русском и английском языках. Статьи могут иметь как теоретический, так и прикладной характер.

       Журнал выходит раз в год в четвертом квартале и размещается как официальное электронное издание на CD-ROM дисках. Издание включено в электронную систему Российский индекс научного цитирования (РИНЦ) (договор).

      Статьи для очередного выпуска журнала отправляются авторами до 1 сентября (ежегодно) на электронный адрес:

      Датой поступления статьи считается день получения рукописи статьи редакцией. Все статьи проходят процедуру анонимного («слепого») рецензирования, и в случае одобрения рецензентом, после доработки во взаимодействии с автором, публикуются в журнале.

    Рукопись, полученная редакцией, не возвращается. Редакция оставляет за собой право проводить редакторскую правку текстов статей, не изменяющую их основного смысла, без согласования с автором. Мнение членов редколлегии может не совпадать с мнением авторов статей.

    Направляя статью в редакцию, автор подтверждает, что ознакомлен и согласен с приведенными выше требованиями, и готов подписать лицензионный договор с Издателем, размещенный на сайте журнала.

    В одном выпуске журнала может быть опубликована только одна индивидуальная статья данного автора; кроме того, возможна публикация одной статьи в соавторстве.

  • Philology in the XXI century

    Цель научного периодического журнала «Филология в XXI веке» – освещение результатов научной деятельности российского и зарубежного научного сообщества в области филологии; содействие развитию теоретических и практических исследований в данной области знания. Журнал публикует статьи по актуальным вопросам современной филологической науки; результаты теоретических, экспериментальных и практических исследований в области языкознания, литературоведения, журналистики, методики преподавания языков и литератур; рецензии на научные публикации; хронику научных событий, сообщения о достижениях ведущих научных школ. Научный журнал «Филология в XXI веке» публикует качественные, оригинальные авторские исследования, ранее нигде не публиковавшиеся.

    Задачи журнала: 1) обеспечивать профессиональное качество научных публикаций; 2) осуществлять систему «слепого» рецензирования, основанную на привлечении признанных в научной сфере экспертов; 3) осуществлять выход журнала два раза в год; 4) поддерживать международные стандарты оформления публикации и научного журнала в целом; 5) руководствоваться в своей деятельности соответствующими законодательными документами, а также обеспечивать реализацию положений международных стандартов и кодексов по публикационной (издательской) этике; 6) участвовать в формировании устойчивых каналов распространения (включение в российские и международные базы данных, в каталоги библиотек, размещение на открытых платформах).

    Издание ранее публиковалось, как ежегодный сборник научных статей "Филология в XXI веке". В 2018 году зарегистрировано в Российской книжной палате как журнал с присвоением номер ISSN.

    Перепечатка без разрешения редакции запрещена, ссылки на журнал при цитировании обязательны.

    Журнал входит в РИНЦ.

  • Problems of mineralogy, petrography and metallogeny. Scientific readings in memory of P.N. Chirvinsky

    The collection "Problems of Mineralogy, Petrography and Metallogeny" contains the results of research concerning some problems of mineralogy, petrography, mineralogy, geochemistry and other sciences

    Mineralogy problems
    The section publishes the results of original fundamental and applied scientific research in the form of scientific articles concerning the properties and composition of minerals, geological conditions and the physicochemical environment of the formation of minerals, the mechanisms of nucleation, growth, change and destruction of minerals, mineralogical criteria for the search and assessment of ore and nonmetallic raw materials. , methods of studying minerals. And also, about the laws of the atomic structure of solids, about the forms and geometry of crystal structures, about the relationship of the atomic structure of crystals with their chemical, physical and geometric properties.
    Petrology and lithology problems
    The section publishes the results of original fundamental and applied scientific research in the form of scientific articles devoted to rocks, magmas and endogenous fluids that have arisen under conditions of high temperatures and a wide range of pressures, as well as the processes of their formation and transformation. And also the results of research on rock formations of sedimentary origin, the evolution of sedimentary rock formation in the history of the Earth and its causes. The objects of research are rock-layer bodies and their associations, their material-structural organization, form of manifestation, nature and mechanism of their formation, as well as the reasons that determine their properties and practical significance.
    Minerageny problems
    The section publishes the results of original fundamental and applied scientific research in the form of scientific articles related to research in the field of metallogeny and minerageny.
    Geochemistry problems
    The section publishes the results of original fundamental and applied scientific research in the form of scientific articles concerning research on the abundance of chemical elements and isotopes in nature, on the patterns of their distribution in minerals, rocks, ore deposits, living matter, the earth's crust and the Earth as a whole, the hydrosphere , atmosphere and biosphere, as well as in extraterrestrial matter, on the forms of occurrence (state) and behavior of chemical elements and isotopes in natural and man-made processes, on the conditions for the concentration and dispersion of elements, the formation of ore deposits, on the identification and theoretical interpretation of local regularities of the spatial geochemical structure biosphere and the development of a system of practical methods for geochemical monitoring of the environment, geochemical methods of prospecting, exploration and assessment of mineral deposits, the development of principles for the assessment and forecast of the geochemical state of the biosphere.