Russian national interests in Afghanistan and prospects for its regional policy


  • V.M. Toporkov Академия Федеральной службы безопасности РФ


Afghanistan, Russia's interests, cooperation, coalition forces, the NATO losses, drug traffic, the US interests, economic recovery, aid, Central Asia


The essay gives a survey of relations between Russia and Afghanistan during the last decade. The aim of the essay is to determine some factors which influence the policy of both countries in the sphere of rebuilding and development of bilateral relations. It is stated that mutually beneficial level of bilateral relations has been lost since the 1970s and that economic return of Russia to Afghanistan is needed. The author pays special attention to the threats for Russia in the sphere of national security since the early XXI century, especially the US plans for locating military bases in the territory of Russian allies, which directly effect both their and Russian military security. Another threat is increasing level of drug trafficking to Russia and CIS countries through the borders of the former Soviet republics. Another problem is terrorists’ training, with Russian citizens among them, in tribal zone of Afghanistan. In the author’s opinion Russia lost its part in Afghan energy market which was used by other countries including Iran in their interest. Since the measures taken by Russia in order to rebuild relations are not sufficient, the author argues the possibility of reinforcing the process by historical objective and subjective factors. The necessity of the reconstruction of objects build with the help of the USSR is the priority because the Afghan government is interested in Russian investments. That is why the Russian government should support Russian business in trade relations with Afghanistan.


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How to Cite

Toporkov, V. (2020). Russian national interests in Afghanistan and prospects for its regional policy. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, (3), 225–232. Retrieved from