«If a Soviet citizen does not know the constitution, the court is waiting for him». The Stalinist myth in the mirror of schoolchildren’s mistakes


  • A.V. Chashchukhin National Research University «Higher School of Economics»


Stalinism, school, educational text, the Stalinist myth, discourse, habitus, expert


The article is devoted to the Soviet school of the late Stalinism. The Soviet education was intended to form a politically loyal citizen. In varying degrees all school subjects had an ideological basis. The teachers of physics and chemistry had to demonstrate the priority of Russian and Soviet science. The teachers of geography demonstrated the strength and wealth of the Soviet motherland. But the main ideological subjects in school ware the humanitarians, first of all the history and the Constitution of the USSR. The article considers the difficulties in teaching this school subjects. Learning of the native history and the main law of the Soviet state was not easy for schoolchildren. The management organs of education realized it as a problem. The regional authority conducted the massive inspection of schools in the Molotov (Perm) region in 1949-50 school year. These materials have become the main sources for the article. Learning of the schoolchildrens mistakes tell us not only about the ways of development of the Stalinism myth by new generation. Mistakes of schoolchildrens help us to understand the ideas of teachers and officials of regional nomenclature about what is a norm and what is a deviation. Stalin's myth in this analysis ceases to be monolithic. Development ideology faced with unavoidable gaps in the way of development and representation of the world. The main contradiction of the training became the gap between the neck (naive, visual) and text understanding of a myth. It created problems in in the broadcast of ideology. Like a theoretical basis in the article was used some ideas of Pierre Bourdieu.


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How to Cite

Chashchukhin, A. (2020). «If a Soviet citizen does not know the constitution, the court is waiting for him». The Stalinist myth in the mirror of schoolchildren’s mistakes. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, (3), 144–154. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/3770