The conservstive party during the leadership of David Cameron and the house of lords’ reform.


  • S. A. Shein Perm State University


the United Kingdom, the Conservative Party, David Cameron, the House of Lords, coalition, the Right-wing Tories


The article discusses the strategy of the Conservative Party on the issue of the House of Lords’ reform. The main emphasis in the work is on the attempts of the Conservative-Liberal coalition to modernize the upper chamber in 2011-2012. The House of Lords has been in reform process for more than 100 years. The difficulties with the reform occurred because of the lack of public, inter-party and internal party support for the bills. The Conservatives traditionally protected the institution which due to hereditary peers allowed them to dominate in the upper House. The program of the new party leader David Cameron, who sought to move the party to the center of the political spectrum, offered a block of political reforms, which included the reform of the House of Lords. However, based on its contradictory and protracted nature, it was the "third priority" of the future Conservative government. The formation of the coalition with the Liberal Democrats in 2010 meant that the Conservatives have agreed to reform. Anyway, the leader David Cameron went on to create the mechanisms for the implementation of constitutional changes, but during the passage of the bill opposed an effort to prevent the riots of the Right-wing Conservatives. This was the reason for the crisis between the coalition partners, which became one of the most serious ones during the work of the coalition. However, the parties kept the union, refusing to further advance of controversial reforms. Despite the failure of the reform, it is not a thing of the past, because it still shows the archaic political system and its disproportionality.

Author Biography

S. A. Shein, Perm State University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Political Sciences, Perm State University (Russia)


Список источников

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How to Cite

Shein, S. A. (2020). The conservstive party during the leadership of David Cameron and the house of lords’ reform. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 31(4), 204–212. Retrieved from