
  • M. L. Pereskokov


Glyadenovo culture, cultural and chronological horizon of Turaevo-Kudash, mound burial, ground burial, sacred place, chronology


The article deals with the issues of determining the upper date of the Glyadenovo culture of the Middle Kama region. Theoretical approaches to the definition of the main features of culture, the reasons for their change and the factors influencing it are considered. The transformation of the Glyadenovo culture into the early medieval cultures of the Kama region (Lomovatovo and Nevolino) is represented as a complex and gradual process associated with both natural factors (climate change and reduction of the resource base) and socio-economic changes (the emergence of foreign cultural military groups that changed the social structure of the Glyadenovo society and burial traditions), as well as internal conflicts. All this led to local migrations of the Glyadenovo population, and the formation of the Tuy-Garevo local variant of the Lomovatovo culture on its basis and of the Nevolino culture on the basis of the Sylva territory. In the same period, there is a decline in the central Perm local version of the Glyadenovo culture. The territory of the broad valley of the river Kama, due to changing climatic conditions in the framework of the early medieval climatic pessimum, probably became unsuitable for farming, and the Glyadenovo population completely left it in the early 6th century, moving to the areas of the Lomovatovo and Nevolino cultures. The proposed fractional chronology and periodization of the final of the early Iron Age of the Perm Kama region allows the author to correlate the upper date of the Glyadenovo culture in most territories with the complexes of cultural-chronological horizon of the Turaevo-Kudash and to date it back to the first quarter of the 5th century, when the Glyadenovo population either left the territory or the early formation of post-Glyadenovo cultures started. For the center of Glyadenovo culture - the Mulyan and Kachkinsk territory of the Perm local variant and the Chernovsk territory of the Osin local variant, the 5th – 6th centuries can be considered the upper date, which correlates with the time of the departure of the Glyadenovo population from the wide valley of the Kama river


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How to Cite

Pereskokov, M. L. (2020). ON THE QUESTION OF THE UPPER DATE OF GLYADENOVO CULTURE: DYNAMICS OF CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 48(1), 34–49. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/3133

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