
  • P. I. P. I. Kostogryzov


politics of values, axiopolitics, suma camaña, indigenism, nation, Bolivia


Introducing the concept of values politics (axiopolitics) as a set of methods of political “handling” of values (and their use for political purposes), the author offers his own typology of this phenomenon and outlines the main historical stages of its formation. Considering the values politics of the left-indigenist regime in Bolivia, he reveals its connection with the formation of nation and the incomplete process of modernization in the country. The article gives a description of the ideological and value complex, known as "Suma qamaña", which underlies the axiopolitics of the Bolivian state. The concept is the quintessence of the traditional worldview of indigenous peoples of the Andean region. It includes the idea of harmonious coexistence of people with each other and with nature. The "Suma qamaña" ideology openly opposes developmentalism as a paradigm of unidirectional development of mankind and consumerism, which orients economy to infinite increase in producing consumer goods. Its appearance was a reaction to the unsuccessful for Latin American countries policy of neoliberalism in the 1990s – early 2000s. The author reveals the content of the "Suma qamaña" system of values and the essence of the arguments put forward by its critics. It is shown how the regime used the "Suma qamaña" ideology to achieve its political goals.


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