Comprehensive analysis of lithic inventory of the Ogurdino settlement


  • E. N. Mitroshin Perm Scientific Center, Ural Branch
  • E. L. Lychagina Perm State Pedagogical University
  • G. N. Poplevko Institute of the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences


Perm region, Mesolithic, Kama culture, lithic inventory, typological analysis, trasological analysis


The Ogurdino settlement is the largest and best-known Mesolithic site in the Kama region. Otto N. Bader used the stone inventory of the Ogurdino settlement in order to characterize the developed stage of the Kama Mesolithic culture. The article presents the results of typological and trasological analyze of the stone inventory of the 2002 excavations. The collection consists of 374 subjects. The analysis of the Ogurdino settlement stone tools revealed the following characteristics: the use of local materials for making tools; the blade technique prevalence; the use of small and thin blades as all types of tools with the leading role of meat / fish knives; the spread of edge dorsal retouch; no bifacially-knapped or polished tools; the prevalence of tools related to butchering production and treatment of wood. The Ogurdino settlement collection is allied to the stone implements of the Neolithic sites of the Kama region by the spread of dorsal edge retouch and by prevailing complexes related to hunting and fishing. The dominance of blade industry in the Ogurdino settlement and a smaller size of tools compared with Neolithic complexes are distinguishing features of the analyzed inventory. A comprehensive analysis of stone tools from other Mesolithic sites of the region will provide an opportunity to determine whether those features are unique to the settlement or will be reflected in the materials of other settlements. doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-1-16-25

Author Biographies

E. N. Mitroshin, Perm Scientific Center, Ural Branch

Senior Engineer, Perm Scientific Center, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)

E. L. Lychagina, Perm State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Science in History, Associate Professor, Department of Ancient and Medieval History of Russia, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (Russia)

G. N. Poplevko, Institute of the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Science in History, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)


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How to Cite

Mitroshin, E. N., Lychagina, E. L., & Poplevko, G. N. (2020). Comprehensive analysis of lithic inventory of the Ogurdino settlement. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 36(1), 16–25. Retrieved from