Extracts from the service diary of the village constable Vasily Oschepkov (April and May of 1906)
State Archive of Perm Region, Perm province, police constable, police of the Russian Empire, service dairyAbstract
The activity of the police of the Russian Empire is a well-studied issue in contemporary historiography. The in-terest for it was awakened in the late 1990s and has not disappeared yet. At the same time, the author states the insufficient number of publications of historical sources devoted to the issue. Nevertheless, they could significantly con-tribute to the deepening of regional researches and to stimulating the output of general works. The posts of village constables were established in Russia Empire in 1878. But the constable sites were too extensive in Perm province. Only in 1906, by the law on the police guard, every volost of the Perm province got their own village constable. The real daily work of village constable, not on paper, is demonstrated by a valuable document stored in the collections of the State Archive of Perm Region – the extracts of the official diary of Vasily Oshchepkov. Six extracts from the spring of 1906 were preserved. Two of them were published previously and four (April – May 1906) are the subject of the current publication. The extracts from the service dairy demonstrate not only the struggle against the revolu-tionary movement but the implementation of many other supervisory and enforcement functions in the interests of the entire volost population. The extracts recorded echoes of the revolutionary events, and even some forms of the protest movement. The publication is made in full accordance with “The rules of the publication of historical docu-ments in the USSR” (Moscow, 1990). doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-2-156-165References
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