The ABC of my memories
Lev Kertman, memories, impressions, creative work specificity, character of personality, creativity of a scholar, personality of a historian, methodology of historyAbstract
Memories of Professor Lev Kertman are structured in the format of small vocabulary articles that represent the “alphabet” of his most important professional and personal qualities. The author presents the memoirs concerning the years of joint educational and academic activity and gives sketches of manifestations of his character, features of communication, interests and attachments. Attention is focused on such professional preferences of Kertman as the English studies, methodology, theory and history of culture. The author discusses the specifics of the creative work of Kertman who worked in the context of a closed provincial Soviet city and, nevertheless, gained popularity far beyond its borders...doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-3-18-23References
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