«The Abduction of Souls»: Ukrainization of Poles in Eastern Galicia in the Second Polish Republic


  • М. А. Bulakhtin Perm State University


Poland, Eastern Galicia, Polish-Ukrainian relations, interwar period


The process of Ukrainization of Poles in Eastern Galicia as a part of the interwar history of Poland is not sufficiently studied. The evidences of Poles on interethnic relations in the region are the main source for its study. In their notes to Poland’s government, they expressed concerns about the future of Poles in southeastern provinces as well as about the territorial integrity of the Polish state. They observed the rise of Ukrainian national movement, the successful development of Ukrainian economic, cultural and educational organizations, and the strengthening of Ukrainian national identity among the population of Eastern Galicia. The process had a strong impact on the Polish rural population of the region. A certain part of this population gradually lost its national identity. There were evidences about purposeful impact of Ukrainians on Poles in order to encourage them to replace the Polish identity with the Ukrainian one. The desire to achieve a worthy position in the society of Eastern Galicia where Ukrainians prevailed was an additional reason for the Poles' refusal from their nationality in favour of Ukrainian identity. That was especially true for the younger generation. The Greek-Catholic Church also played a great role in the process of Ukrainization through christening of children. The Polish correspondents demanded to take concrete steps to remedy the situation. First of all, they recommended providing the Roman Catholic Church with governmental support to strengthen its position in Eastern Galicia. They proposed the creation of legal, organizational and financial mechanisms that would stimulate Poles to return into the Roman Catholic Church, and thereby preserve Polish national identity in the region. Poland’s government took such appeals into account. By the end of 1930s, the warning voices coincided with the political concerns towards the security of the eastern borders of Poland.doi 10.17072/2219-3111-2018-3-31-41

Author Biography

М. А. Bulakhtin, Perm State University

Докт. ист. наук, проф. кафедры всеобщей истории Пермского государственного национального исследовательского университета


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How to Cite

Bulakhtin М. А. (2019). «The Abduction of Souls»: Ukrainization of Poles in Eastern Galicia in the Second Polish Republic. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 42(3), 31–41. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/2565