British Political Elite in the Search of a New Party System, 1922–1924


  • D. P. Adamov Ural Federal University


history of Britain, party system, political elite, interwar period, elections


The article is devoted to the evolution of the British political party system from the downfall of David Lloyd George’s coalition government to the formation of Stanley Baldwin’s second Conservative ministry. During this period, Britain was temporarily subject to an unstable three-party system, instead of a more familiar two-party or coalition system, creating an anomalous political situation. The three main political parties, Conservative, Liberal and Labour parties, are examined with regards to their interactions with each other in the context of a rapidly and unpredictably evolving political situation, as well as internal disagreements and changes that to a large extent determined their policies in the period. Attention is paid to the role of party elites in the main political events of the time, on one hand, and their own evolution under the influence of the changes in the party system, on the other hand. The general elections of 1922, 1923 and 1924 are analyzed from the standpoint of their influence on the evolution of the party system, as well as the various strategies utilized by the parties. A wide assortment of sources, including party archive materials, newspaper articles and the accounts of contemporaries, are used in the paper. The author concludes that the long-standing traditions of party politics played a decisive role in the eventual stabilization of the party system. The conservative nature of this stabilization had an ambiguous role in the subsequent British history. Although it ensured relative political stability in the rest of the interwar period, it also led to the perpetuation of socio-economic stagnation that characterized the epoch.doi 10.17072/2219-3111-2018-2-47-55

Author Biography

D. P. Adamov, Ural Federal University

Applicant of History, Department of Modern and Contemporary History


Список источников

Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. URL: (дата обращения: 11.07.2017).

Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. URL: (дата обращения: 11.07.2017).

Labour Party General Election Manifesto. URL: (дата обращения: 11.07.2017).

Liberal Party General Election Manifesto. URL: (дата обращения: 11.07.2017).

Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. URL: (дата обращения: 11.07.2017).

Labour Party General Election Manifesto. URL: (дата обращения: 11.07.2017).

Liberal Party General Election Manifesto. URL: (дата обращения: 11.07.2017).

A Clear and Satisfying Answer // Manchester Guardian. 1923. 9 March.

Lord Beaverbrook. The Greek Terror // Sunday Express. 1922. 14 September.

Lord Beaverbrook. The Path of Honour // Sunday Express. 1922. 29 September.

Lord Beaverbrook. The Real Issue // Sunday Express. 1923. 25 November.

Lord Beaverbrook. The Independent Newspaper // Sunday Express. 1923. 27 November.

Lord Beaverbrook. The Last Word // Sunday Express. 1923. 6 December.

Lord Beaverbrook. Who Killed Cock Robin? // Sunday Express. 1924. 13 November.

Carlton Club Meeting // Times. 1922. 20 October.

Centre Party Scheme Abandoned // Westminster Gazette. 1923. 9 March.

Declined with Thanks // Morning Post. 1923. 2 April.

Liberal Re-Union // Morning Post. 1923. 5 March.

Liberal Steps to Unity // Daily News. 1923. 21 March.

Mr. Asquith’s Reply // Daily Chronicle. 1923. 9 March.

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Библиографический список

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“A Clear and Satisfying Answer” (1923), Manchester Guardian, 9 March.

“Carlton Club Meeting” (1922), Times, 20 October.

“Centre Party Scheme Abandoned” (1923), Westminster Gazette, 9 March.

“Declined with Thanks” (1923), Morning Post, 2 April.

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“Liberal Steps to Unity” (1923), Daily News, 21 March.

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Conservative Party General Election Manifesto, available at: (accessed 11.07.2017).

Conservative Party General Election Manifesto, available at: (accessed 11.07.2017).

Labour Party General Election Manifesto, available at: (accessed 11.07.2017).

Liberal Party General Election Manifesto, available at: (accessed 11.07.2017).

Conservative Party General Election Manifesto, available at: (accessed 11.07.2017).

Labour Party General Election Manifesto, available at: (accessed 11.07.2017)

Liberal Party General Election Manifesto, available at: (accessed 11.07.2017).

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Lord Beaverbrook (1922), “The Greek Terror”, Sunday Express, 14 September.

Lord Beaverbrook (1922), “The Path of Honour”, Sunday Express, 29 September.

Lord Beaverbrook (1923), “The Independent Newspaper”, Sunday Express, 27 November.

Lord Beaverbrook (1923), “The Last Word”, Sunday Express, 6 December.

Lord Beaverbrook (1923), “The Real Issue”, Sunday Express, 25 November.

Lord Beaverbrook (1924), “Who Killed Cock Robin?”, Sunday Express, 13 November.

McKibbin, R. (2010), Parties and People: England 1914-1951, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 207 p.

Shepherd, J. & K. Laybourn (2013), Britain’s First Labour Government, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, 255 p.

Taylor, A.J.P. (1970), English History 1914-1945, Pelican, London, UK, 871 p.

Toye, R. (2008), Lloyd George & Churchill: Rivals for Greatness, Pan Books, London, UK, 504 p.



How to Cite

Adamov, D. P. (2019). British Political Elite in the Search of a New Party System, 1922–1924. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 41(2), 47–55. Retrieved from