Omsk Historians on the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries: Lines to the Collective Portrait


  • V. S. Gruzdinskaya Omsk State University (Russia)
  • V. P. Korzun Omsk State University (Russia)


academic corporation, “collective portrait”, provincial science, historians of Omsk, communication


The article attempts to explore the academic community of Omsk historians at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The parameters of the study, specified by the authors, make it possible to catch the dynamics of the development of the community. The analysis is caused by the search for professional identity of the modern historian, with the urgent need to understand the relationship of avant-garde and provincial features in the historiographical process, with unexplored problems of historical academic communities in the local context in the period of radical political and social transformations in Russia. The methodological basis of the study was a neoinstitutional approach, the development of the philosophy of science and the communicative field of Pierre Bourdieu. Based on the analysis of the results of questionnaire held in 2017-2018, data from the biobibliographic dictionary "Modern historical science of Western Siberia in persons. Bibliographic dictionary. Historians of Omsk" (1999), records of dissertation councils and academic societies, and regional periodicals, a number of parameters for the collective portrait of a corporation of historians of a particular city was set. Firstly, the institutional localization of the corporation was determined. In the development of the institutional component of the Omsk historical science in the designated period, there are two stages ("romantic" and "compression"), which had a direct impact on the other parameters of the "portrait". Secondly, the numerical and gender composition of the corporation (about 200 people), which is represented by three generations of Omsk historians, has been determined. The authors also managed to establish the dynamics of changes: 1) the ratio of the number of men and women in a corporation; 2) the "leading / main" centers of vocational education; 3) the dynamics of obtaining academic degrees by historians. Thirdly, the main problems of the academic research of Omsk historians and the fragmentation of the problem field were revealed, correlated with the main directions of the development of historical science in the designated period. Fourth, the dynamics of the communication field is traced both as a reflection of intellectual tensions inside the corporation and outside of it - incorporation into new horizontal networks.doi 10.17072/2219-3111-2019-2-142-154

Author Biographies

V. S. Gruzdinskaya, Omsk State University (Russia)

Postgraduate Student, Department of Modern Russian History and Historiography

V. P. Korzun, Omsk State University (Russia)

Doctor of Science in History, Professor, Department of Modern Russian History and Historiography


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How to Cite

Gruzdinskaya, V. S., & Korzun, V. P. (2019). Omsk Historians on the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries: Lines to the Collective Portrait. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 45(2), 142–154. Retrieved from