
  • Владимир Леопольдович


Barrier border,, Inner Periphery,, contact border


Essay on the scientific impressions of the theoretician’s journey across the Smolensk Pozerie in June 2017 with the involvement of other impressions. The impressions are categorically and conceptually designed. The condition and strong resource of my optics on this journey — visu al, acoustic, aesthetically sensual to synesthesia — the freshness of a young summer. Travel area — Inner Periphery, here between the Moscow Region and Belarus (hereinafter Europe) on the one hand and between the Moscow — Paris and Moscow – Riga polyhighways on the other side; periphery in the middle of the province. This is a border region, a wide and historically very long contact-conflict zone. Smolenskoe Pozerie is a personogenic landscape, this place, al andscape area «made» in thel andscape and culture of N. М. Przhevalsky;l ocal cultural hero. Opened together with B. B. Rodoman, a new formation of the culturall andscape — «Russian Savanna». The National Park and Preserve is a special focus of the culturall andscape. The park is a prime example of ecological conversion, (an attempt to) transform the ineradicable «disadvantages» of the Inner Periphery into advantages. The landlords left an important imprint on the landscape, and it is used.


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Theory and practice of tourism