gastronomic tourism, tourism, enotourismAbstract
The article discusses the features of the development of gastronomic and wine and gastronomic tourism. Enotourism at the present stage of development is often an integral part of gastronomic tourism.Gastronomic tourism is gaining more and more popularity in Russia, although it is a relatively new type of tourism for our country. Today, one can state the uneven development of gastronomic tourism in the territory of the Russian Federation. Krasnodar region, Republic of Crimea, Stavropol region, Rostov region are the main regions for the production of wine and, as a result, the main centers of gastronomic and wine tourism in the country. An analysis of the activities of some of the most successful enterprises that provide enotourism services on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory is given. Today we can say that gastronomic and wine and gastronomic trips are gradually turning from weekend tours and additional excursion and recreational services into longer independent targeted trips.References
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