The evaluation of meteorological conditions influence on carbon dioxide balance in Uzbekistan semideserts


  • Ольга Эдуардовна Суховеева Институт географии РАН
  • Мухтор Гаффарович Насыров Самаркандский государственный университет


Uzbekistan semideserts, carbon dioxide balance, Bowen ratio


The paper analyzes micrometeorological observations data based on the Bowen ratio and reveals the statistical regularities of changes in the carbon dioxide balance depending on environmental conditions. The correlation, regression, cluster, and factor analysis methods were used. Uzbekistan semideserts are the source of carbon dioxide for the atmosphere. The flux is equal to 3.06 ± 1.12 g C m-2 day-1. It has been established that the intensity of carbon dioxide emission is proportional to the temperature and solar radiation conditions, and it is inversely proportional to the moisture factor, including precipitation that changes the direction of carbon dioxide flux from emission to a short-term absorption. It has been calculated that in the semideserts no more than 16% of CO2 flux dispersion depends on climatic conditions. Temperature is considered to be the most important factor of greenhouse gases formation in an arid climate.doi 10.17072/2079-7877-2018-1-95-105

Author Biographies

Ольга Эдуардовна Суховеева, Институт географии РАН

младший научный сотрудниклаборатории антропогенных изменений климатической системы

Мухтор Гаффарович Насыров, Самаркандский государственный университет

доктор биологических наук, профессор начальник отдела международных связей


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How to Cite

Суховеева, О. Э., & Насыров, М. Г. (2018). The evaluation of meteorological conditions influence on carbon dioxide balance in Uzbekistan semideserts. Geographical Bulletin, (1), 95–105. Retrieved from




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