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Submission Preparation Checklist

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  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Manuscript file format is Microsoft Word (has the extension *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf). The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in "Authors Guidelines" section.
  • The manuscript of the article corresponds to the requirements of Author Guidelines. The files complies with all the Terms Online submission.

  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

1. Generally the period of publication of the article that was approved by the reader should not exceed six months from the date of receipt. The date of receipt shall be considered the date of receipt of the manuscript by the Editorial Board via e-mail.

2. Usually the manuscripts are published in the order of their submission. The EditorinChief is eligible to change the order of publication of the articles as an exceptional case.

3. The Editorial Board reserves the right to compress the article or to introduce changes in the manuscript that do not modify its import without securing approval of the authors.

4. If the Editorial Board does not share full or partial opinion of the author of published manuscripts, it may turn attention to this fact by the footnote.

5. The Editorial Board is not responsible for unreliable data contained in the articles. The author is responsible for the accuracy of data contained in the article.

6. Intellectual property rights violation is above the law. Reprint of content of the scientific journal is allowed only with the agreement of the Editorial Board. Consent letter of the Editorial Board is essential condition for reprint; references are obligatory for citation of the scientific journal.

7. Manuscripts accepted for publication are not returned to authors. E-versions of the manuscripts are kept in the office of the Editorial Board for five years.

8. The Editorial Board does not keep the manuscripts that were not accepted for publication.

9. The manuscripts that receive negative feedback from reviewers are not published and are not returned to the author.

10. A manuscript should be from 20 000 to 40 000 characters long. It should be formatted in accordance with FORM available at our website, submitted with all the documents required. Please ensure in receipt of your documents asking for notification.

11. Authors are asked to use format acceptable format (*doc, *docx, *rtf), A4, with book layout and 2 cm margins. It is strongly recommended to use Times New Roman 14 point font only (the necessity to use other fonts should be specially explained in the letter and the required font attached) and line spacing 1.5.

The title of the paper, absract and keywords should be presented in Russian and English obligatorily. The annotation in Russian should be 1000–1500 characters long, in English – 2000 characters. The number of keywords (word combinations) ranges from 5 to 15.

12. Bibliography includes minimum 15–20 sources (not more 40) and is formatted in accordance with GOST P 7.0.5-2008 without dash, Refereces is formatted in accordance with Harvard's StandardIt is recommended to make references to journals edited in English and included into international citation systems (Scopus, Web of Science) as well as to editions listed in the bibliographic database RSCI.

13. In STEP 2. UPLOADING THE SUBMISSION is asked to upload a manuscript (detailed instructions for manuscript formatting are listed in the file FORM. Please read it attentively). In STEP 4 UPLOAD SUPPLEMENTARY FILES  is asked to upload (Author's Data and pictures in their format).

14. LICENCE CONTRACT will sent after exception of a manuscript.



Physical Geography, Landscapes and Geomorphology

The section publishes articles of  theoretical, methodological and applied results of scientific activities of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of Physical Geography, Landscape Science and Geomorphology. Articles containing original author's ideas and research results are accepted for publication.

Economic, Social and Political Geography

The section publishes articles of  theoretical, methodological and applied results of scientific activities of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of Economic, Social and Political Geography. Articles containing original author's ideas and research results are accepted for publication.


The section contains articles of theoretical and methodological and applied results of scientific activities of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of Hydrology and Hydroecology, the use of various methods in hydrological studies and calculations. Articles containing original author's ideas and research results are accepted for publication.


The section publishes articles of theoretical, methodological and applied results of scientific activities of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of Meteorology, Climatology, application of geoinformation technologies in meteorological and climatic studies and atmospheric protection. Articles containing original author's ideas and research results are accepted for publication.

Ecology and Environmental management

The section publishes articles of theoretical, methodological and applied results of scientific activities of Russian and foreign scientists in the Ecology, Geoecology, Nature Management and Protection. Articles containing original author's ideas and research results are accepted for publication.

Recreational G eography and Tourism

The section publishes articles of theoretical, methodological and applied results of scientific activities of Russian and foreign scientists in the Recreational Geography and Tourism. Articles containing original author's ideas and research results are accepted for publication.

Cartogrphy and Geoinformatics

The section publishes articles of theoretical, methodological and applied results of scientific activities of Russian and foreign scientists in the Cartography and Geoinformatics, the use of geoinformation technologies and methods in various geographical research. Articles containing original author's ideas and research results are accepted for publication.


The section publishes articles of theoretical,methodological and applied results of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of Geography. The results of the research are controversial. Articles containing original author's ideas and research results are accepted for publication.

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