Sending Review Online
- The Editorial Board of the Journal sends a request for reviewing the article to a potential reviewer.
- The reviewer within 7 days notifies the editorial board of the journal about the consent / refusal to prepare the review.
- In case of consent, the reviewer should go to reviewer's personal accounton the website of the Journal. If you haven't created an account yet, you need to register.
- The reviewer receives the manuscript in the author's edition in the reviewer's personal account and checks the scientific content and relevance of the material.
- In his personal account, the reviewer is obliged to fill out the established review forms covering the following issues:
- correspondence of the article to the scope of the journal;
- correspondence of the title of the article to its content;
- problem formulation;
- content;
- interpretation of results;
- language;
- presentation of materials and style;
- figures and tables;
- the quality of the literature review.
In conclusion, the reviewer must write several proposals with arguments. What exactly are the positive aspects, as well as the shortcomings of the study? What corrections and additions should be AND/OR may be made by the author to the text of the article.
- The reviewer can make notes for the author in the text of the reviewed article in printed or electronic form, which, together with the review, will be sent by the editorial staff of the Journal to the author. In this case, at the stage of reviewing in the electronic editorial system in your personal account, you must upload the article file with the reviewer's notes.
- Based on the results of the peer review, the reviewer submits one of the following decisions for consideration by the editorial board of the Journal:
- to recommend the manuscript for publication in the presented form (without comments);
- to recommend manuscript for publication, but only after corrections (according the comments);
- to reject the submitted manuscript.
- The review period is 4 weeks from the moment the request for reviewing the article is sent to the reviewer; re-review of the revised article – 2 weeks.