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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 10-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text corresponds the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described Руководстве для авторов, in the section For Authors.

Author Guidelines

In case the sent materials do not corresponds any of these requirements, the Editorial Board has the right to reject them.


3 types of articles are accepted for publication in the Journal:

Original Paper – a detailed format for presenting the results of a logically completed scientific research. In the structure of the original paper, the following sections are necessarily highlighted: Introduction; Material and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusions. The volume of the article (including all parts), as a rule, is at least 8-10 pages of text (A4, font size - 10, line spacing - 1.0). Availability of original illustrative material (tables, figures). The approximate volume of the references list is at least 20-30 items.

Review Paper – a critical generalization of certain research topic. The volume of the article, most often, is at least 10-15 pages. The presence of a noticeable (5 or more) number of tables, graphs, figures. The approximate volume of the list of references is at least 50 items.

Short Communications Article – a short format for presenting individual results of a logically completed research study. The volume of the article is not more than 2500 words. The number of illustrations (tables, figures) - no more than 2. Not less than 8 sources in reference list.

The Editorial Team note the moving forward for the following ratio of articles in each issue of the Journal:

  • Original Papers (in each number of the Journal) – not less than 50%;
  • Review Papers – no more than 50%.
  • Short Communications Articles – not less than 10-20%.


Common requirements

The journal accepts materials written in Russian or in English.

Materials are accepted only in electronic form. The text is typed in MS Word editor. The manuscript file must be named with the surname of the first author. For example, "Ivanov.docx"

Font - Times New Roman, size 10, line spacing 1.0 (single), all margins are 2 cm, text alignment to page width, paragraph indentation 1 cm. Indents before and after paragraphs - 0 pt.

Use bold, italic, and underline to highlight a portion of the text.

Automatic hyphenation is not allowed.

Pages are NOT numbered.

It is necessary to use generally accepted abbreviations, which include:

- the values of various indicators of mass, length, area, etc .;

- economic, social, geographic, etc. Indicators.

The «%» sign is not separated from the numerical value.

When designing a list, use either a numbered (only letters or only numbers) or bulleted (only DASH «–») list.

Use only one type of quotation marks (« »).

It is necessary to distinguish between a hyphen, a grammatical sign (-), and a dash, a syntactic sign (–).

When writing decimal fractions, you must use a comma (not a dot).

All abbreviations in the article must be deciphered upon first use.

In the text, references to literature are formatted with paragraph numbers in square brackets separated by commas or dashes: [1], [2, 3], [1-3]. It is unacceptable to indicate more than 3 links (in the same square brackets). For the introduction and overview parts of the manuscript, if you need to refer to a large group of works with similar methods, approaches, results, recommendations, you should provide individual references. For example, “This approach is widely used by Russian researchers: I. Ivanov [1], P. Petrov [2], S. Sidorov [3]» OR «Discussion of pyrogenic methods of maintaining steppe condition provided of some researchers of Steppe Institute of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences [1-3], as well as among publications of scientists from the Southern Federal University [4-6]».

The DOI digital identifier should be specified in the format of the full Internet link, always beginning from

Do not insert a dot after any Internet link or DOI. This may lead to incorrect recognition of the Internet link.

Requirements for separate sections of Article

Title part of a manuscript

Unified Decimal Classification (UDC) index. The size of the font size is 10. UDC is determined according to the reference book

Title of manuscript drawn up in bold uppercase (capital) letters. Font size – 11.

Information about authors. Font size - 10. First line includes full names of all authors in bold. To separate authors by affiliation and contact information, use numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) superscript characters.

In separate lines, with the corresponding superscript numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) characters, write:

- Full affiliation (Institute, University etc.), city, country. In case the affiliation of two or more authors are the same, superscript numbers of all such authors are indicated at the beginning of the line;

Abstract is formatted in Times New Roman, size 10. For original papers, the volume of the abstract is 150-250 words. The semantic parts should be clearly distinguished in its structure: Relevance / The problem; Goal and tasks; Material and Methods; Main Results; Discussion; Key Conclusions.

Keywords typed in Times New Roman, size 10. The number of words or phrases is usually 5-7. Keywords should be used to supplement the semantic content of the title of the article and to place the main substantive accents. Keywords are an additional parameter that helps to find a publication in abstract and citation database (Elibrary, Scopus, WoS etc.). An empty line after the keywords is left.

In the Acknowledgments section, you may provide links to scientific grants, government assignments, and other projects that funded the study. Separate persons and/or organizations that contributed to the work could acknowledged as well.

The design of the Russian version of the title, annotation, keywords and information about the authors is made in the same way as the Russian version.

An example of the design of the title part of the article is available here.

If the main text of the article is written in English, the title part is first drawn up in English, then in Russian.

Main text

Illustrations (diagrams, graphs, photographs, maps) are accepted in color. Illustrations should not take more than ¼ of the length of the article. All illustrations (in addition to the actual insertion into the text of the article) should be additionally sent in separate files (raster formats jpeg, bmp, tiff, etc.). Image resolution 300 dpi.

The name of the illustration files must include: the surname of the first author in Latin letters; type of sent material - Fig (picture); its serial number. For example, «Ivanov-Fig1.jpg».

The names of figures in the text of the manuscript and symbols for them should be printed below the figure. Figure captions are typed in bold, point size 10. Numeric and alphabetic inscriptions in a figure must have a font size of at least 10 point size.

Maps must have a scale bar, a legend, a frame. It is desirable that the maps contain a specific spatial reference through geographic coordinates: a coordinate grid, labels of the coordinates of individual points. If the picture contains several differents parts, such as map, graph, photo, tables and other inserts - all parts should be designated with letters: A); B); C) on the image itself and in the title of the figure. 

Tables are typed in size 9-10. 

ALL tables and figures (graphs, photographs, maps, etc.) must have 2 full versions: in Russian and in English. Or (which the editors consider more preferable) be issued immediately in a bilingual format (all text fragments are given in Russian and English) format.


During the preparation a publication, the editors advise to pay attention to the ratio of references to: self-citation; publications made in the same organization where the author (co-authors) works; publications of the same country where the author (co-authors) lives; articles published abroad. Below are recommendations for the shares of each group of links. The editorial team notice that the ratio of sources may differ from the recommendations below, if this is objectively due to the specifics of the study.

- The share of self-ctation in the reference list should not exceed 10-15%. In the case of a higher proportion of self-citation, the Editorial Board may ask the authors to justify a large number of references to their own works.

- The recommended share of links to publications of authors from the same organization in which the author (co-authors) works should not exceed 35% of the reference list.

- The recommended share of links to articles published in a foreign language should be at least 30-35% of the reference list.

The list is formed in alphabetical order. English-language sources should be placed first. After - publications written in other languages.

The bibliographic description of sources is in the Harvard style. For detailed instructions reference list preparation in this style, see here.

The vast majority of English-language journal articles since 2000 and many Russian-language articles (published after 2013) have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) (the publication is registered in the CrossRef system). For most articles with DOIs, the correct Harvard-style link can be automatically generated through the website (Formatting Style: harvard-university-of-bath; Select Language and Country: en-GB). From the link generated via the publisher indication should be removed.

The title (Reference) printed in bold italics.

After reference list should make Russian edition of references («Список использованной литературы»). The design of this list must correspond to ГОСТ Р 7.0.5-2008. Examples are given below:

Printed books, monographs:

Реймерс Н.Ф., Штильмарк Ф.Р. Особо охраняемые природные территории. М.: Мысль, 1978. 295 с.

Красная книга России: правовые аспекты / под ред. И.И. Иванова. М.: Книжный мир, 2000. 134 с.

Articles in periodical journals:

Санников И.Ю., Андреев Д.Н., Бузмаков С.А. Выявление и анализ сухостоя при помощи беспилотного летательного аппарата // Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса. 2018. Т. 15. № 3. С. 103-113.


Логинова Л.Г. Сущность результата дополнительного образования детей // Образование: исследовано в мире: междунар. науч. пед. интернет-журн. URL: (дата обращения: 17.04.2021).

Dissertation abstracts:

Кадебская О.И. Минеральные и геохимические индикаторы природных процессов в подземных карстовых ландшафтах Урала: Автореф. ... дис. докт. геогр. наук: 25.00.23. Пермь, 2017. 39 с.

The order of the parts of the article

  • Unified decimal classification (UDC) index;
  • Title (English edition);
  • Information about authors (English edition);
  • Abstract (English edition);
  • Keywords (English edition);
  • Acknowlegements (English edition);
  • Title (Russian edition);
  • Information about authors (Russian edition);
  • Abstract (Russian edition);
  • Keywords (Russian edition);
  • Acknowlegements (Russian edition);
  • Main text. It is necessary to structure by sections, depending on the type of article (original paper / review paper / short communication article);
  • Contribution of the authors (English edition) / Contribution of the authors (Russian edition – «Сведения об авторском вкладе»)
  • References (English edition) / References (Russian edition – «Список использованной литературы»);


The author (co-authors) of the article can (in addition to the manuscript) provide access to additional electronic materials that cannot be placed in the article itself.

Such materials can be: initial descriptive and statistical data in the form of large tables or volumetric text blocks, images (photographs and maps) of large resolution and / or volume; geographic information spatial data, etc.

For inclusion in this section, the editors accept electronic materials in Word, Excel, PDF, TIFF, JPEG, ESRI Shape (and other GIS formats), as well as archived files. The total weight of additional materials provided for one article should not exceed 500 MB.

For the proper registration of additional materials, it is necessary:

in the name of each file should be written: the name of the first author in Latin letters; type of sent material - SUP (additional materials); two-digit serial number (starting from zero). For example, «Ivanov-SUP-01.docx»

draw up a tabular description of additional materials. The first tramline indicates the name of the file, its format and the amount of memory on the computer. The second column contains a short (1-2 sentences) description of the data in free form. A similar description must be completed in English. An example of formatting a tabular description of additional materials is available here. The title of the table description should include: the first author's surname in Latin letters; type of sent material - SUP (additional materials); list. For example, «Ivanov-SUP-list.docx».

The Editorial Team is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.

Nature and Landscape Conservation

In the Nature and Landscape Conservation scope, the Journal primarily interests scientific basis for improvement of protected areas networks (include all scales: local, regional, state, international, global). Creation of different categories of protected areas, including cluster types. Organization of scientific activities of protected areas, interaction with universities and other scientific communities. Forecasts and assessments of the state of ecosystem, landscape and biological diversity, ecological balance. Problems of natural heritage conservation: new methods of study, practical methods of conservation (both in situ and ex situ).

The Editorial team notes that the Journal does not publish floristic and faunistic lists of protected areas. As well, articles devoted highly specialized issues of economics, botany, zoology, mycology, microbiology, soil science, forestry, genetics, physiology, biochemistry, geophysics are not accepted.


In the Pollution scope, preference is given to studies of technogenesis, technogenic transformation of nature, formation of natural-technogenic ecosystems within river basins; solutions of applied geoecological issues, pollution of different environments. The development of ecological monitoring systems seems to be very important. Of particular interest are studying pollution and technogenic processes caused by the oil extraction industry, refinery and energy plants.

This thematic section also includes issues of restoration of the environment. The journal is interests in publications that reveal the scientific basis for the development of ecological standards, measurements which leads to restoration processes. Scientific analysis of the problems of environmental restoration implies consideration of not only and not so much conceptual issues, but proposals and solutions of applied problems, new methods, techniques and technologies for eco-, bio-, geo- remediation and reclamation of lands, soils, ecosystems.

Earth-Surface Processes

The Earth-Surface Processes section include original and review papers that reveal the dynamics of the environment and its components in the past, primarily in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Also of interest are the issues of interaction between ancient (prehistoric) societies and its natural environment, interdisciplinary studies connecting paleoecological reconstructions and modern aspects of sustainable nature management, conservation management.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.