About the Journal

The main goal of the Journal is to disseminate the newest scientific knowledges of Russian and foreign scientists in the study of anthropogenic transformation of nature and geoecology.

The goal of the Journal corresponds to several tasks: stimulation the continuity of scientific process through the research publication of authoritative and young scientists; growth of interest to the most perspective areas of anthropogenic transformation of nature; creation of discussion platform of theory and practice of anthropogenic transformation, conservation, management, restoration, pollution of environment.

The Journal presents original papers, review papers and short communications articles addressed to geoecological problems, scientific questions of interaction of Man and Nature. All material in the Journal should correspond to three thematic sections:

  • Nature and Landscape Conservation (Scopus classification);
  • Pollution (Scopus classification);
  • Earth-Surface Processes (Scopus classification).

Articles on a geoecological, geographical, ecosystem, biogeochemical, biological and palaeoecological basis are preferred.

In the Nature and Landscape Conservation scope, the Journal primarily interests scientific basis for improvement of protected areas networks (include all scales: local, regional, state, international, global). Creation of different categories of protected areas, including cluster types. Organization of scientific activities of protected areas, interaction with universities and other scientific communities. Forecasts and assessments of the state of ecosystem, landscape and biological diversity, ecological balance. Problems of natural heritage conservation: new methods of study, practical methods of conservation (both in situ and ex situ).

The Editorial team notes that the Journal does not publish floristic and faunistic lists of protected areas. As well, articles devoted highly specialized issues of economics, botany, zoology, mycology, microbiology, soil science, forestry, genetics, physiology, biochemistry, geophysics are not accepted.

In the Pollution scope, preference is given to studies of technogenesis, technogenic transformation of nature, formation of natural-technogenic ecosystems within river basins; solutions of applied geoecological issues, pollution of different environments. The development of ecological monitoring systems seems to be very important. Of particular interest are studying pollution and technogenic processes caused by the oil extraction industry, refinery and energy plants.

This thematic section also includes issues of restoration of the environment. The journal is interests in publications that reveal the scientific basis for the development of ecological standards, measurements which leads to restoration processes. Scientific analysis of the problems of environmental restoration implies consideration of not only and not so much conceptual issues, but proposals and solutions of applied problems, new methods, techniques and technologies for eco-, bio-, geo- remediation and reclamation of lands, soils, ecosystems.

The Earth-Surface Processes section include original and review papers that reveal the dynamics of the environment and its components in the past, primarily in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Also of interest are the issues of interaction between ancient (prehistoric) societies and its natural environment, interdisciplinary studies connecting paleoecological reconstructions and modern aspects of sustainable nature management, conservation management.

The journal is of interest to research institutes; educational institutions providing higher professional education and carrying out scientific activities; scientific libraries and scientists working in the field of geoecology, ecology, conservation and restoration of nature.

All entered and accepted for consideration articles are peer reviewed by means of double-blind review system.

Since 2021, the frequency of a publications is 2 times a year. Until 2021, the Journal was published once a year.


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Founder: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Perm State University»

Founder address: 15, Bukireva st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Editorial office address: 15, Bukireva st., Perm, 614990, Russia, Faculty of Geography, Department of Biogeocenology and Nature Protection