About the Journal

The journal «Anthropogenic Transformation of Nature» (ISSN 2410-8553) presents original papers, review papers and short communications articles addressed to geoecological problems, scientific questions of interaction of Man and Nature. All material in the Journal should correspond to three thematic sections:

  • Nature and Landscape Conservation (Scopus classification);
  • Pollution (Scopus classification);
  • Earth-Surface Processes (Scopus classification).

Articles on a geoecological, geographical, ecosystem, biogeochemical, biological and palaeoecological basis are preferred.

The journal is of interest to research institutes; educational institutions providing higher professional education and carrying out scientific activities; scientific libraries and scientists working in the field of geoecology, ecology, conservation and restoration of nature.

Since 2021, the frequency of a publications is 2 times a year. Until 2021, the Journal was published once a year.


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Founder: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Perm State University»

Founder address: 15, Bukireva st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Editorial office address: 15, Bukireva st., Perm, 614990, Russia, Faculty of Geography, Department of Biogeocenology and Nature Protection

Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): Anthropogenic Transformation of Nature
					View Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): Anthropogenic Transformation of Nature
The current issue of ATPS consists of two sections. The first one deals with the problems of preserving the natural environment, it's restoration after fires (Kerzhensky reserve) and under the influence of recreation ("Olen'i ruch'i" Nature Park). The second section offers extensive literature reviews on the geochemistry of soils in Perm Krai, models of pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere, and an original article with an ecological assessment of the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere, article with ecological assessment of chemical elements concentration in Lake Baikal. The results of patent search on bioremediation are presented.A great professional team of authors was gathered by our, it should be said, permanent author. N.G. Kadetov and S.P. Urbanavichute, A.E. Gnedenko, E.N. Andryushkevich represent a creative symbiosis of science of the university, academy, reserve, capable to carry out very interesting original researches. For the natural environment of the Kerzhensky reserve the diversity of grass and shrub species was analysed on permanent sample plots laid after fires. The influence of fire type and mesorelf forms was revealed. Highland fires cause a small dynamic change in the number of species. The authors attribute the effects of lowland fires to a smoother dynamics of the number of species in their floristic composition. The maximum of species richness is observed in the fourth-fifth year of succession.V.P. Chizhova, A.N. Ivanov, K.S. Kanaev, E.G. Sorokina in a creative collaboration solve the problems of monitoring the condition of tourist routes and their problem areas in the well-known "Olen'i ruch'i" Nature Park, located in the Urals near Yekaterinburg. The main provisions of the natural park's observation programme are proposed: habitats, spatial and temporal parameters. Measures and recommendations for the restoration of the natural environment are developed for the "problem places" of tourist routes. The authors recognise the expediency of crushed stone filling of ecological trails, which increased the resistance to recreational load.The cycles of chemical elements in the biosphere, it's regional parts under anthropogenic load are important from both theoretical and practical points of view. E.A. Dzyuba continues to believe that the main problematics in geochemistry is the study of regularities of accumulation and dispersion of substances. The scientific review succinctly considers the main theoretical ideas of the classics of geochemistry. The data on the influence of technogenesis on the distribution of chemical elements in the natural environment are analysed. Problems of technogenesis at extraction of hydrocarbons; at exploitation of potassium salt deposit; peculiarities of post-anthropogenic transformation of environment and flows of chemical elements after coal mining are considered. Quantitative parameters of migration, accumulation and dispersion of chemical elements in natural-technical, natural-technogenic ecosystems are specified. The results and identified regularities for ecological and geochemical zoning of Perm Krai are highlighted separately.Our new author, one of the best practitioners in modelling atmospheric air pollution in specific natural and anthropogenic conditions - Alsu Valerievna Semakina - acts as a theorist who quite successfully tries to typify the current approaches to calculating the distribution of pollutants in the air environment. As a result of the analysis it is recommended to use: models based on analytical solution of the diffusion equation and Gaussian models only for small areas; more complex mathematical models instead of experimental labour-intensive field measurements; in the scale of regional influence of emissions from stationary sources on the state of atmospheric air the method of determination of pollution parameters as a whole from a settlement, taking into account chemical activity of impurities and meteorological parameters is recognised as quite effective.V.E. Simonov, T.A. Lekontseva conducted a patent search on the always topical subject in Russia and Perm Krai. The review analyses the main directions of patenting of technologies for bioremediation of soils and soils after oil pollution. The main plant taxa and frequency of their applicability in the technologies are given. Information about plants as heavy metal absorbers is given. Patents can now be developed.Representatives of the Limnological Institute of RAS SB E.P. Chebykin, N.N. Kulikova, E.V. Likhoshway and A.N. Suturin studied, of course, anthropogenic impact on a part of Lake Baikal. By geochemical methods the authors evaluated the influence of sewage waters of Severobaikalsk on coastal and surface waters of the Baikal littoral in the zone of influence of the Tyya River. The wastewater was found to exceed the standards for P (69 MPC), Mn (6 MPC), Zn (3.4 MPC), Cu (2.1 MPC), Mo (1.7 MPC) and V (1.3 MPC) for the Baikal natural territory.The number turned out to be challenging, but relevant and hopefully useful for a significant period of time.
Published: 2024-12-13
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