An Iterative Method for Linear Algebraic Equations Systems Solving With Positive Semidefinite Matrices




systems of linear algebraic equations, iterative methods, Quasi-Newton methods, SR1-formula, multibody system, equations of motion, additional constraints, numerical integration


The normal pseudo-solution for perturbed linear algebraic equations systems with positive semidefinite matrices finding problem is considered. This problem is actual for numerical simulation process of a multibody systems dynamics taking into account additional constraints on its motion. The problem is solved by the iterative quasi-Newtonian method based on the SR1-formula for quadratic functions minimum finding. The main algorithm properties are proved. An one mechanical system dynamics study example is given, which shows the method efficiency.


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How to Cite

Ivanov В. Н. (2023). An Iterative Method for Linear Algebraic Equations Systems Solving With Positive Semidefinite Matrices. BULLETIN OF PERM UNIVERSITY. MATHEMATICS. MECHANICS. COMPUTER SCIENCE, (1 (60), 36–46.