Inflation near the Potential Maximum for the Cosmological Model with Rotation




inflation, dark energy, cosmological model


The first stage of inflation for the Bianchi type IX metric is considered for the case of inflation near the potential maximum. The rotation of the dark energy evolution is investigated, where the dark energy is an anisotropic liquid. The dependence of the scale factor on time coincides with a similar dependence in Friedman cosmology at all stages of Friedman evolution in the consideration solution. There will be an accelerated expansion of the universe at a later time.


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How to Cite

Kuvshinova Е. В., & Sandakova О. В. (2022). Inflation near the Potential Maximum for the Cosmological Model with Rotation. BULLETIN OF PERM UNIVERSITY. MATHEMATICS. MECHANICS. COMPUTER SCIENCE, (2 (57), 61–66.