Theoretical and ideological foundations of the chronotopological conception in the context of rethinking the modern state of philosophy and its classical categorical schemes
chronotope, time, space, human, culture, existenceAbstract
The subject of the study is revision of the philosophical, theoretical, and ideological foundations of the chronotopological model of being (the idea of the spatiotemporal organization of being developed by A.A. Ukhtomsky and M.M. Bakhtin) in the context of existentially oriented criticism of the modern philosophical situation and the subsequent rethinking of the dialectical and categorical schemes of classical European philosophy, to which Russian philosophical culture belongs. To date, the development of the chronotopological concept from a single term «chronotope» to a full-fledged autonomous philosophical discipline (such as phenomenology, philosophical hermeneutics, philosophical anthropology) seems impossible without fundamental rethinking of the foundations of its not only logical but also existential consistency, which, in turn, is impossible without referring to the existential foundations of being of a modern philosopher and modern philosophy. Existential completeness and authenticity are considered as the fundamental basis of philosophizing and philosophical conception in the struggle against existential incompleteness, alienation, and fallenness, which characterize the modern existence of human. In the context of the author’s version of the path of formation of the fundamental categorical base of chronotopology as an independent philosophical direction, its conceptual foundation is proposed, in which the synthesis of fundamental conceptual and dialectical schemes of the European philosophical tradition critically revised from an existential point of view is realized, and vectors of further concretization of the chronotopological models of the universe, human being, social structure, cultural and historical development become possible. At the same time, the proposed scheme does not privatize or cancel other probabilistic trajectories of the evolution of the chronotope concept, which does not contradict the principle of existential authenticity of the theory articulated by the study.References
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