Ideological mainstream against the realities of modern Russia


  • Rudolf L. Livshits



ideological mainstream, , continuity of the historical path, Soviet experience of creation, life support systems


Even if a constitution forbids state ideology, it is impossible for a state to be completely free of ideology. The ideology of the forces that won in our country in 1991 is based on the myth of returning to the "fold of world civilisation", from which Russia was excluded as a result of the "inhuman Bolshevik experiment". Throughout the post-Soviet period of Russia's development, the dominant ideology has been to contrast the backward and uncivilised "sovok" with the "risen from its knees" Russia, which is steadily advancing on the path of progress. Since perestroika, anti-Sovietism and anti-communism, which are inextricably linked, have remained the core of ideological influence on the masses. The concept of the "cursed Soviet past» continues to influence educational programmes and practical problem-solving methods. Such narratives are not only false but also dangerous as they disregard the actual challenges that post-Soviet Russia is facing. To tackle the issues that Russian society is currently dealing with, it is necessary to draw on the effective practices of the Soviet era and the experience gained during that time. It is important to revise ideological milestones in response to modern realities. It is important to reject the notion of the "cursed Soviet past" and instead focus on the continuity of Russia's historical path.

Author Biography

Rudolf L. Livshits

freelance researcher


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