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No. 2 (2014): Вестник Пермского университета. История
No. 2 (2014): Вестник Пермского университета. История
Military functions of voivodes in Perm Kama region in the late XVI – XVII centuries
А. A. Kosmovskaja
7 - 13
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Polish influence on Russia in XVII century
E. V. Alekseeva
14 - 21
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Private collecting in the context of europeanization of Russia in XVIII – early XX centuries.
O. V. Ignatieva
22 - 27
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The meshchane of Kama-Vyatka region in XIX – early XX centuries: historical and demographical features
A. V. Ushakov
28 - 34
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Acquisition, registration, storage and use of documents in the zemstvos archives
M. V. Ugryumova
35 - 41
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The problem of «dual power» in the Urals under the regime of Alexander Kolchak (december 1918 – April 1919)
P. Ya. Domovitova
42 - 50
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On the nationalization of Russian theatres in 1919: the Ufa case
N.E. Hairetdinova
51 - 59
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Temptations of the New Economic Policy: malfeasances of the Ural responsible officials and economic executives in the 1920s
S. V. Vorobyev
60 - 71
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Food supply of the Northern Transurals timber workers in the 1930s
I. V. Zykin
72 - 79
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World of children's daily life during the occupation of the North Caucasus
I. V. Rebrova
80 - 89
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Adoption of European experience in urban planning and construction in the Soviet Russia in the 1920–1930s: phases and forms
E. V. Konysheva
90 - 100
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Regional planning in the context of the industrialization program: the first half of the 1930s - the initial stage of works on industrial zoning and accommodation
M. G. Meerovich
101 - 122
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Holdouts: regional specificities of the baptist movement in the first half of the 1960s (based on the materials of Perm region)
A. L. Glushaev
123 - 133
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The specifics of orthodox Mediasphere in Russia in the 1990–2000s on the example of printed periodicals
М. А. Dobrokhotova
134 - 142
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The cycle of birth rites among the Albanians under cross-cultural contacts in Southern Ukraine
A. S. Dugushina
143 - 153
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The creation of cavalry military settlement in sloboda Ukraine
A.Yu. Marshala
154 - 159
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Memory of the Decembrists in independent Ukraine: textbooks and «places of memory»
S. E. Ehrlich
160 - 171
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From blast furnaces to banks: development of credit sector in traditional industrial centres of the USA (the 1980s – early 2010s)
L. V. Nikitin
172 - 182
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New research on the history of russian conservatism
M.V. Medovarov
183 187
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The diary of the Grand Prince Sergey Alexandrovich, 1905
D. M. Sofjin
188 - 200
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