Regional planning in the context of the industrialization program: the first half of the 1930s - the initial stage of works on industrial zoning and accommodation


  • M. G. Meerovich National Research Irkutsk State Technical University


district planning, industrialization, organization of the territory, socialist cities


The conceptual and design proposals on reforming the old system of settling which appeared in the first half of the 1920s in the USSR differentiated in two directions: a) decentralization of existing large cities; b) creating an alliance of self-urban settlements and rural communities. In the early 1930s regional planning was aimed, first of all, at the construction of new towns and industrial areas and also differentiated in two directions: a) placing industrial enterprises, institutions and settlements on specific territories; b) delineation of the territory according to its future use (the “distribution” of various functional areas). In the mid-1930s the content of activities connected with regional planning was fully predetermined by the concept of “socialist settling”. The scheme of regional planning should have presented: a) the location of industrial enterprises, central and regional power plants, heat and relevant networks, b) the scheme of collective and state farms, c) the location of warehouses and storage facilities of national and regional level, d) the structure of the system of communications, e) regional water supply and sewage, f) reclamation works, drainage, irrigation, regulation of rivers, etc.) g) security and protection zones and nature reserves, h) development of existing settlements and establishment of new ones, and i) the sequence of construction of new settlements, enterprises, buildings and works and reconstruction of existing ones.

Author Biography

M. G. Meerovich, National Research Irkutsk State Technical University

Doctor of Science in History, Candidate of Architecture, Professor, Department of Architectural Design, National Research Irkutsk State Technical University (Russia)


Библиографический список

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How to Cite

Meerovich, M. G. (2020). Regional planning in the context of the industrialization program: the first half of the 1930s - the initial stage of works on industrial zoning and accommodation. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 25(2), 101–122. Retrieved from