About Toponymic Data in Historical Research


  • Iu. А. Shkuratok Perm State University


methodology in toponymic studies, toponymic studies, Perm krai, Upper and Middle Kama region, Ugric hypothesis


The article deals with the principles of working with toponymic data in the articles on the history of the Perm krai, published recently in the journal “Perm University Herald. History” in particular. Certain means and methods of linguistic research are used in historical studies: for example, attempts are made to give an etymological interpreta-tion, toponyms are combined into “toponymic series”, etc. The analysis shows that the monographs and articles on toponymy that fit into the concept presented are often selected, but the authors ignore those research that contradict it; the scientific significance of the work and the validity of certain concepts are not taken into account. As toponymic evidence, random and unchecked facts are sometimes used. In some cases, linguistic terms are transferred into histor-ical research. For example, "Ugrians" (Rus. угры) are used in certain contexts in relation to certain historical periods though, during those periods, the Ugric proto-linguistic unity has already diverged (this event dates back not later than to the middle of the 1st millennium BC). Therefore, in this case, we need to talk about the specific languages which share a common origin of the Ugric group. Thus, the use of linguistic and toponymic information in particular becomes a difficult task and requires considerable efforts from the historian to develop a solid background in a for-eign field of knowledge. The solution to the current situation might be beneficial cooperation between historians and linguists who are deeply involved in the studies on toponymy of the region.doi 10.17072/2219-3111-2019-1-87-94

Author Biography

Iu. А. Shkuratok, Perm State University

Associate Professor, Department of Russian Language and Stylistics, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Perm State University (Russia)


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How to Cite

Shkuratok I. А. (2019). About Toponymic Data in Historical Research. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 44(1), 87–94. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/2453