Comparative assessment of the methods for air temperature short-term forecasting
minimum and maximum air temperature, air temperature forecast, weather situation in the forecast point, accuracy of forecastAbstract
The paper discusses the results of air temperature forecasting in Perm with the use of several calculation and statistical methods. The reliability of the air temperature forecasting methods at different synoptic situations is analyzed. The most appropriate methods for specific synoptic situations are identified. The air temperature forecast results are compared by months. It has been established that in case warm atmospheric fronts are passing through the forecast point, minimum air temperature predictions are more correct if the pressure in the centers of cyclones does not exceed 995-1003 hPa. With the passage of cold fronts, the forecast becomes less successful with the speed of cyclone displacement increasing to 6-16 m/s and pressure in the centers of cyclones being less than 995-997 hPa. It is proposed to use one of the current statistical methods of forecasting as support depending on the expected synoptic situation. doi 10.17072/2079-7877-2018-2-138-144References
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