environmental legislation, State Duma, deputies, factions, dominant party, competition, inter-faction interactionAbstract
Environmental issues have become a global concern, prompting legislative action. This paper examines the case of the initiation and adoption of environmental legislation in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the period from the 4th to the 7th convocations - when there is no specialized "green" party in parliament, but there is a dominant party in power and the so-called "systemic opposition". At the same time, the Russian legislative process is characterized by a high level of activity of deputies in initiating bills. Who takes the lead in environmental legislation and how do political parties relate to each other in this context? Based on data from the State Duma, the dominant party was found to be the strongest in the environmental field. United Russia leads in the number of bills submitted and more often achieves their adoption due to its control over the parliamentary majority. The opposition is forced to enter into coalitions with the ruling party to increase the chances of initiatives being adopted. At the same time, the proportion of coalition bills tends to decrease with each convocation. Thus, United Russia is a key player in environmental legislation, effectively combining the promotion of its own initiatives with participation in coalitions.References
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