gender, gender display, female mayor, visual image, linguocultural imageAbstract
Based on the ideas of Erving Goffman, the authors use the term “gender display” to analyze how appearance can demonstrate certain personality traits, which is important for a politician's communication with voters. The authors examine the features of the visual image of female politicians, including their choice of clothing, behavior, and interaction with others in the visual images used in the politicians' official accounts in social networks. The article also examines the features of the linguocultural images of politicians created by the media and by the mayors themselves. It identifies the main components of their political images and the issues that become central to female mayors. Based on the analysis of publications in the politicians' accounts, as well as media materials, the authors discuss how female mayors work with their own gender and convert it into a political tool for promoting their own ideas and positions. The choice of the mayors of Paris and Dublin demonstrates that the otherness of women in the male world of politics can be complemented by otherness based on ethnoracial characteristics. The authors conclude that in both analyzed cases, the female politician does not try to ignore her gender, but turns it into a tool for promoting issues that are important to her.References
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