consultative and advisory bodies; public councils; public scrutiny; civil society; cultural heritage; cultural policyAbstract
The article attempts to answer the question why in some regions consultative and advisory bodies on cultural heritage reporting to senior officials and senior executive bodies of Russian regions actually become mediating institutions (intermediaries) ensuring civil participation in the policy-making process, while in others they only imitate the interaction between government and society. Consultative and advisory bodies of St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Pskov regions were selected as examples for comparative analysis. Each of these bodies emerged under different conditions and due to different reasons, which determined their course of development. The study concludes that, in a number of cases, consultative and advisory bodies were able to influence the adoption of political and managerial decisions. However, the effectiveness of their activities as mediating institutions depended entirely on: 1) the interest of senior regional officials in interacting with public associations and expert communities to solve problems; 2) the participation of representatives of public associations actively advocating the preservation of cultural heritage.References
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