



Georgia; Europe; Russia; identity; political leaders; identity politics; securitization of collective identity.


The authors verify the definition of identity politics developed in Russian political science as an activity aimed at constructing and maintaining a macropolitical identity in relation to the European reference point of identity politics chosen by the Georgian elites. Taking into account the securitization of collective identity, the article analyzes identity politics using the speeches and performances of Georgian leaders as well as the studies of Georgian scholars. The authors evaluate them as combining the characteristics of scientific literature and sources, since they are aimed at an external (Western) audience, presenting Georgia as a potential member of European communities. A critical analysis of researchers encourages them to characterize the process of constructing national-state identity in a problematic and chronological manner, without avoiding aspects that complicate the European self-identification of Georgians and leave them in the format of "non-European Europeans''. This is the importance of traditional, from a European perspective, conservative values, including the code of family and sexual behavior, adherence to the Orthodox faith, and the role of ethnic nationalism. Such a value system conflicts with identity politics in the EU and fuels the activation of right-wing radical forces in Georgia.

Author Biographies

I. A. Fadeeva, Perm State University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of Political Sciences

D. S. Plotnikov, Perm State University

Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor, Department of Political Sciences


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How to Cite

Fadeeva Л. А., & Plotnikov Д. С. (2024). “NON-EUROPEAN EUROPEANS”: THE GEORGIAN VERSION OF IDENTITY POLITICS. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 18(2). https://doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2024-2-99-110