political communication; political image; sign-symbolic content of the image; regional leader; gubernatori-al elections; Nizhny Novgorod region; news reportsAbstract
The article studies the symbolic features of the image of a regional political leader at different stages of his activity. Based on the theory of the information society and graph theory, the author analyzes the content of press releases published on the official Internet portal of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region between May 3 and September 3, 2023 (in this year gubernatorial elections were held in the region). The results of a comprehensive empirical analysis are compared with the conclusions of a similar study conducted earlier based on a sample of news reports posted on the regional government website during the inter-election period. The author discovers that some of the thematic intentions observed in the symbolic content of the image during the aforementioned period remained in the image of the political leader during the election campaign. Furthermore, the focus on the development of the economy of the region as a whole, presented in the image of the inter-election period, was specified with the goal of attracting investments into the economy and industry of the region. One difference in the politician's image was a focus on his regional identity, as shown in news reports before the election.References
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