


politics of memory; Karachay-Cherkessia; regional government; public discourse; historical narrative; de-portation of the Karachay people; the Caucasian War


The study of the politics of memory in Russian regions is a pressing area of research in memory studies. With the help of MAXQDA, the article analyzes the experiences of regional actors using competing narratives about the deportation of the Karachay people and the Caucasian War in the public discourse. The results show that both narratives focus on describing historical events through the language of trauma. The regional authorities utilize the memory of the deportation and the Caucasian War to promote reconciliation and unite competing interethnic groups. They simultaneously construct an image of 'us' through victimization and glorification of the past. The main difference between narratives is the question of institutionalization of those responsible for the tragic events in the collective memory. The narrative of the Caucasian War highlights the role of certain 'central' powers whose interests led to the conflict in the North Caucasus. Additionally, regional actors avoid mentioning specific dates in public speeches due to the existing disputes over the duration of the Caucasian War. The use of an agonistic model of interaction with the different memories of the past and the integration of various struggle groups into a single symbolic space is one of the tools for leveling the conflict potential in the region

Author Biography

I. A. Ushparov, European University at Saint-Petersburg

applicant for a Candidate of Sc. (Polit. Sc.)


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