


identity politics; securitization; values; state identity; national security strategies; minority rights


The author proposes to introduce and use the concept of "identity politics securitization" as an analytical category, based on approaches to collective identities in the theory of international relations (the concept of securitization, ontological security, state identity in constructivism within the international relations theory) and on research tools in the field of identity studies (political identity, identity politics). The article characterizes the practices of securitization of the identity politics in the broad sense of the word, used in the international context, when the value pillars of state identity are established in confrontation with the Other/ Aliens. China, the USA and Russia are chosen as examples. The practices of securitization of identity politics are examined in relation to the protection of the identity of sexual minorities that are organized in the LGBTIQ+ community. Such identity politics has spread from the domestic political agenda to the international level by the efforts of Western countries. They are incorporated into policies and are used as a foreign policy tool.

Author Biography

L. А. Fadeeva, Perm State University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of Political Sciences


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How to Cite

Fadeeva Л. А. (2023). IDENTITY POLICY SECURITIZATION AS AN ANALYTICAL TOOLKIT. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 17(2).