


EU; Spain; Portugal; migration; integration of immigrants; immigrant rights; policultural strategies; social integration


The article is devoted to the analysis of the integration policy for migrants in the countries of Southern Europe – Spain and Portugal, in particular. With the ongoing migration crisis, these states face difficulties in integrating new groups into society and everyday life. Given that Spain and Portugal became countries of immigration almost simultaneously with joining the European Union, this process acquired a key role in determining the Union's policy on migration in general and the integration of migrants in particular. Despite the presence of a command center in Brussels and common standards, each of the EU countries implements them in accordance with their national characteristics. The practical results of the integration of immigrants in Spain and Portugal differ remarkably. With the beginning of the migration crisis in Europe in 2015 Spain has resorted to integration strategies based on sanctions, which can be regarded as restrictive and regressive. The experience of Portugal, as the most successful country in terms of advanced integration practices, indicates that the future of integration lies with intercultural strategies, and moving away from the notorious multiculturalism and assimilation.

Author Biography

N. A. Zherlitsina, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Ph.D. (History), leading researcher


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How to Cite

Zherlitsina Н. А. (2023). INTEGRATION OF MIGRANTS IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL: EUROPEAN STRATEGY AND NATIONAL MODELS. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 17(2).