governor; Perm Territory; governors-varangians; rootedness of governors in the region; dynamics of changeAbstract
The article examines the performance assessments of the governors of the Perm region by its regional and municipal elites from 2005 to 2022. Particular attention is paid to a comparative analysis of governors who originated from other regions and local figures, including those who have a federal background. The analysis is based on interviews with experts and local elites, conducted by the author in different years (in 2011, 2018, 2020, 2022; a total of 62 interviews). The interviews are complemented by media publications, which make it possible to consolidate the assessments of governors by external experts. The main conclusion from the analysis is that the governor's local origin continues to play a significant role for local elites, yet over time their views are becoming increasingly pragmatic. Today, they care not only about the origin and socialization of the governor in the region, but also about his ability to establish contacts with the Moscow elite and to build a conflict-free relationship with the key figures in the region and elite groups. For the population, on the contrary, the factor of local origin continues to be the most significant one in assessing the performance of the governor.References
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