



municipal politics; local executives; local autonomy; regional politics; machine politics; state-business relations in Russia


The local political autonomy in Russia is extremely low. Along with the municipalities having a narrow range of powers and financial capabilities higher-level authorities control local heads. The opportunities of regional authorities to appoint and dismiss heads of municipalities, as well as strengthening of the party of power on the local level, aim at control over electoral results and policy implementation. However, existing tools of political centralization at the local level often fail. In the article, we show two scenarios of regaining autonomy by the local elites. The first one is typical for the appointed mayors, who shirk regional policies because regions cannot effectively control them by positive or negative incentives. The second scenario is typical for elected mayors, who have a political power to provide necessary electoral outcomes and bargain electoral loyalty for the benefits of their municipalities being more responsive to voters’ demands.  Moreover, even weak local institutions do not only help regional authorities to consolidate local elites but also provide opportunities for local elites to struggle more effectively for their aims. The research is based on interviews with local officials, deputies and experts conducted in Sverdlovsk and Irkutsk regions in summer of 2022 as well as on media materials.

Author Biographies

I. K. Shevtsova, Perm State University

Associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences

А. V. Gilev, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia, St. Petersburg

Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations


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2022-12-27 — Updated on 2023-01-31


How to Cite

Shevtsova И. К., & Gilev А. В. (2023). UNDISCIPLINED MUNICIPALITIES: MALFUNCTION OF CENTRALIZATION AND LOCAL AUTONOMY IN RUSSIA IN 2010S. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 16(4). https://doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2022-4-29-39 (Original work published December 27, 2022)