



local government; municipal government; local elites; transformation (consolidation) of municipalities


The article presents the findings from an empirical study of local elites in the context of the transformation of the municipal structure, conducted in 2021 in three rural areas of the Perm Krai. One of the first regions of Russia in which there was a mass creation of municipalities of a new type named "municipal districts" was Perm Krai. Changes in the local self-government system in the region can have an impact on inter-elite relations, political and administrative processes in municipalities. The objective of the study is to identify the political and managerial features of the enlargement of municipalities and their impact on inter-elite relations in local communities. The research uses a structural approach to the study of elites and a combination of positional, decisional, reputational and sociometric methods. Non-formalized (in-depth) interviews with 30 representatives of local elites were conducted to collect information (10 interviews in each study area). The study shows that the consolidation of municipalities in rural areas with low dynamics of the political process is not a determinative factor influencing inter-elite relations, but in some cases, it can serve as an impetus for an escalation of political tension.

Author Biography

G. G. Krasilshchikov, Perm State University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Krasilshchikov Г. Г. (2022). LOCAL ELITES IN THE RURAL AREAS OF THE PERM KRAI IN THE CONTEXT OF TRANSFORMATION (CONSOLIDATION) OF MUNICIPALITIES. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2022-1-49-57



Political institutions, processes, technologies