Russia; State Duma; territorial image; macroregion, Ural; content analysis; discourse analysis; spatial de-velopment; state policyAbstract
The article focuses on the discourse of the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the macro-regions of Russia in relation to the provisions of the "Strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025". The strategy introduces the concepts of "macro-regions", the "geostrategic territories" and the others. The strategy received a critical assessment for its declarative nature and preservation of the binding of macroregions to the grid of federal districts, the inconsistency of goals and meanings of spatial strategizing. It seems that one of the reasons for the unsatisfactory quality of the Strategy is the general discursive uncertainty and lack of clarity of the possible territorial development of the country in the views of the Russian political and administrative class, segment of which is the State Duma deputy corps. The analysis presented in the article tests this assumption on the material of the speeches of deputies at plenary sessions with references to Russian macroregions. The data set is a sample of transcripts that covers the period 2004‒2019 and includes about 150 thousand legislative speeches from more than 1000 deputies distributed among party factions and four convocations. The results of the analysis show the special attention of deputies to remote and border territories, first of all to the "Far East" and "North". This corresponds to the logic of allocating "geostrategic territories" in the Strategy.References
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