


experts; analytics; think tanks; analytical centers; competence; power; expertise; ideas; evaluation


Expert and analytical activity act as an object of research in various fields and scientific directions. Differ-ent dimensions matter: institutional parameters, personal and subjective ones. The author characterizes contemporary scientific approaches in respect to analysis and evaluation of think tanks and academic cen-ters. Publications of 2019-2020 were selected as examples of scientific research based on the criteria of the complexity of the analysis and the high level of their authors' experience in expert activity. Despite signifi-cant differences in the focus of the study, description of the algorithm and components of analytical activi-ty, scientists identify key problems of a scientific, political, administrative nature that create obstacles for experts to be able to follow the principles of honesty and objectivity. Experts have to make great efforts to fulfill their main mission - narrowing “a reasonable range of possible solutions”.

Author Biography

L. А. Fadeeva, Perm State University

Professor of Politics


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How to Cite

Fadeeva Л. А. (2021). IT IS HARD TO BE AN EXPERT: NARROWING “A REASONABLE RANGE OF POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS”. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 15(3), 97–102.