Regular and chaotic electroconvective oscillations in poorly conducting media
Instability of a poorly conducting is investigated. Fluid is placed in alternating electric field of a horizontal capacitor heating from below. Low-mode electroconvection model is used. We consider the situation, when electroconductive mechanism makes the main contribution. Electroconductive charge formation mechanism associates with the dependence of the electrical conductivity on the fluid temperature. The simulation is carried out, taking into account a finite charge relaxation time, for a set of problem parameters corresponding to real fluids used in electrical engineering, e.g. capacitor or transformer oils. It has been found that perturbations grow in an oscillatory manner over the entire range of parameters. The synchronous disturbances are classified using fast Fourier transform. The map of periodic oscillation modes has been obtained in the parameter plane “the electric parameter – the period of the external field”. The dependence of the flow intensity on the modulation amplitude is investigated. The competition regions of perturbations different types with various heat flows are detectedReferences
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