Features of the study of binder state near the filler particles in elastomeric composites using an atomic-force microscope


  • Олег Константинович Гаришин (Oleg K. Garishin) Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS
  • Роман Игоревич Изюмов (Roman Izyumov) Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS; Perm State University
  • Александр Львович Свистков (Alexander Svistkov) Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS; Perm State University




Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is one of the most promising methods for investigating the structure of materials at the micro and nanoscale levels, as well as their local physical-mechanical properties (which, as already known, can be very different from macroproperties). The experimental data obtained with the help of AFM are not very informative in themselves. Therefore, their further theoretical interpretation with the use of various mathematical and physical models is required. In addition, there is also a serious problem of assessing the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained for AFM. This is especially pronounced when studying materials with a strong mechanical structural heterogeneity. Such materials include considered in this paper elastomers, filled with rigid dispersed particles. The article presents a technique for mathematical processing of such experimental data, which allows to significantly improve the accuracy of their interpretation. It is based on the use of three criteria for filtering and processing the initially obtained experimental information: 1) The criterion of the "relief of the nanoscale", which makes it possible to extract a relief with objects of low curvature from the overall picture obtained. It is on it that the filler particles protruding on the surface are clearly visible (usually covered with a thin film of elastomeric binder, known in the literature as bound rubber); 2) "Adhesion deflection" criterion, by means of which it is possible to isolate the filler particles by changing the adhesion forces between the AFM probe and the sample surface; 3) The criterion of "indentational compliance", designed to determine the location and stiffness of the filler particles. All these criteria were used to decode the AFM scanning data of the surface of disperse filled elastomeric composite. Optimal conditions for the application of each of the criteria were determined from the analysis of the results obtained. Also, the accuracy of the experimental results was estimated on the basis of a comparison of the data obtained with the forward and reverse horizontal motion of the AFM probe when scanning the same surface area.


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How to Cite

Гаришин (Oleg K. Garishin) О. К., Изюмов (Roman Izyumov) Р. И., & Свистков (Alexander Svistkov) А. Л. (2018). Features of the study of binder state near the filler particles in elastomeric composites using an atomic-force microscope. Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (1(39). https://doi.org/10.17072/1994-3598-2018-1-36-45



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