The study of mechanical behavior of filled elastomers under biaxial cyclic loading
The mechanical behavior of filled elastomers under conditions of biaxial cyclic loading was studied experimentally. The materials studied are dispersed-filled systems consisting of a low-modulus, highly elastic rubber matrix (continuous phase) into which solid particulate filler particles (dispersed phase) are randomly introduced. The special samples of the cruciform shape were used for the experiments on biaxial loading. Their shape and size were developed on the basis of theoretical studies conducted in ICMM UB RAS. These samples are optimal from the viewpoint of obtaining homogeneous stress fields on the working part of the sample and minimizing the dimensions of the inoperative part. The corresponding patent was obtained. The tests were carried out on a four-vector test machine Zwick/Roll (unique in Russia), which allows to define complex deformation trajectories in two mutually perpendicular directions independently. Composites based on synthetic styrene-butadiene rubber SKS-30ARK (matrix), containing various fillers: schungite; silicic acid (white soot); technical carbon (carbon black); carbon nanofibres with carbon black were used as an object of study. As a result of the experiments, the effects of softening and the appearance of induced anisotropy in filled elastomers under the action of a biaxial load were studied. It is established that the nature of their manifestation depends on the type of filler. It is also shown that in the case of pure rubber they are practically absent. In samples filled with schungite or technical carbon, cyclic deformation along one axis causes a corresponding softening along the same axis, but does not affect the mechanical behavior of the material in a perpendicular direction. In the case of a filler made from a mixture of carbon black and carbon nanofibers, cyclic deformation along one axis causes similar softening along another axis. For the filler of silicic acid particles, this effect can also be observed, but it is much weaker than for carbon fibers. Thus, it is possible to change the mechanical properties of the composite to the desired side, making the system more or less anisotropic by varying the composition and type of the filler.References
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