Influence of the temperature field inhomogeneity on the transfer of silicon vapor from the melt mirror to the product during high-temperature siliconization


  • Vitaliy A. Demin Perm State University
  • Veronika E. Zinurova Perm State University



We study a modified physical and mathematical model of high-temperature transfer of silicon vapor from the melt mirror to the surface of an absorbing sample of a porous medium that occurs in a rarefied carrier medium under medium vacuum conditions. Carbon fiber of artificial origin acts as a porous medium. The process of gaseous silicon transfer from the melt mirror to the surface of the product was previously studied in the case of a uniform temperature distribution in space. However, in a real technological process this condition is generally not fulfilled. Thus, this phenomenon needs to be studied in the case of an inhomogeneous temperature distribution. It is shown that, as was the case in the previous study, the physical and mathematical model of transfer allows the description of the process with the help of one nonlinear partial differential equation for the concentration.



How to Cite

de В., & Zinurova В. (2023). Influence of the temperature field inhomogeneity on the transfer of silicon vapor from the melt mirror to the product during high-temperature siliconization. Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (2), 51–58.



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