Laser 3D lithography, applications (review)


  • Анатолий Анатольевич Отрощенко (Anatoliy Otroshchenko) Perm State University
  • Игорь Юрьевич Макарихин (Igor Yu. Makarikhin) Perm State University



In recent years, there has been a trend of miniaturization of complex technical devices, which is primarily associated with the development of practical methods of manufacturing technological products with a specified structure, through controlled manipulation of micro and nanoelements. This article deals with the technology of 3D laser lithography based on the principle of two-photon polymerization, the technological base and the basic principles of 3D nanopressing. The most interesting and promising directions of the use of laser 3D lithography based on the principle of two-photon polymerization using various photosensitive materials are presented in a review


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How to Cite

Отрощенко (Anatoliy Otroshchenko) А. А., & Макарихин (Igor Yu. Makarikhin) И. Ю. (2017). Laser 3D lithography, applications (review). Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (2(36).


