On the horizontal pressure filtration of the mixture through a porous medium with clogging


  • Борис Сергеевич Марышев (Boris S. Maryshev) Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS




The problem under consideration is the slow filtration of the mixture, which consists of the carrier fluid and heavy solute into the horizontal channel of the porous medium. The pressure drop is prescribed on the side walls of the channel, which determines the filtration flow. The solutes distributes into the channel by the gravitational distribution because the solute is the heavier than fluid. The solute concentration near the bottom wall is greater than near the top. We take into account that the transfer of any solutes into the porous medium is accompanied by the process of its deposition to the solid matrix of media. This process is frequently named immobilization. Immobilization slows the transport by removing the solute from the flow. The immobilized solute occupies part of the pore volume, thus it reduces the porosity and permeability of the medium, i.e. the solute clogs the media. It is obtained that the flat front of solute propagation is observed at weak influence of gravity (a narrow channel or a small difference between the fluid density and impurities). The speed of propagation decreases with decreasing pressure drops and increasing the influence of immobilization. In this case, the flow of the mixture homogeneous and uniform concentration field is formed quickly. In the case of significant influence of gravity the front of solute propagation becomes curved. The large part of solute accumulates at the bottom of the channel. Solute intensively immobilizes in the solid matrix of porous media and thereby the speed of flow through channel is decreased. This effect results to significant heterogeneity of concentration field and the reducing of mixture flow through the filter.Received 17.10.2016; accepted 28.10.2016


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How to Cite

Марышев (Boris S. Maryshev) Б. С. (2017). On the horizontal pressure filtration of the mixture through a porous medium with clogging. Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (3(34). https://doi.org/10.17072/1994-3598-2016-3-12-21



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